On September 25, 2023 at 12:20AM, lot 1127 arrived at the plant.
Mai****RM Vehicle Unloading Details 25/09/2023
Total No.of Trucks:5
Supplier: G Lakshmi narayanamma
Lot no:1126
Truck no: AP 37TJ3335
Despatch time 24/09/2023: 9pm
Arrival date &Time 24/09/2023 : 11.30pm
Door open Time: 25/09/2023 :2.20am
Weighment completed 25/09/2023: 4.00am
Harvest to weighment completion: 7.hrs
Supplier: G Lakshmi narayanamma
Lot no:1127
Truck no: AP 39ty1377
Despatch time 24/09/2023: 8.pm
Arrival date &Time 25/09/2023 : 12.20am
Door open Time: 25/09/2023 :5am
Weighment completed 25/09/2023: 6.00am
Harvest to weighment completion:10 hrs
Supplier: G Lakshmi narayanamma
Lot no:1128
Truck no: AP 39ty1377
Despatch time 24/09/2023: 8.pm
Arrival date &Time 25/09/2023 : 12.20am
Door open Time: 25/09/2023 :7.20am
Weighment completed 25/09/2023: 6.00am
Harvest to weighment completion:11.20 hrs
Supplier: G Lakshmi narayanamma
Lot no:1129
Truck no: AP 39UE9936
Despatch time 24/09/2023: 8.pm
Arrival date &Time 25/09/2023 : 1.30am
Door open Time: 25/09/2023 :7.30am
Weighment complet 25/09/2023: 8.10am
Harvest to weighment completion:12.10 hrs
Supplier: G Lakshmi narayanamma
Lot no:1130
Truck no: AP 39UE9936
Despatch time 24/09/2023: 8.pm
Arrival date &Time 25/09/2023 : 1.30am
Door open Time: 25/09/2023 :7.30am
Weighment complet 25/09/2023: 9.25am
Harvest to weighment completion:13.25 hrs
Supplier SRR
Truck number ap39tq6999
Dispatch time :24/09/2023 6.pm
arrival date time :25/09/2023: 6.10am
Lot number: 1131
Door open :25/09/2024: 10.45am
Weighment completed 25/09/2023 12.15pm
Harvest to weighment completion:18.15hrs
Supplier SRR
Truck number ap39tq6999
Dispatch time :24/09/2023 6.pm
arrival date time :25/09/2023: 6.10am
Lot number: 1132
Door open :25/09/2024: 10.45am
Weighment completed 25/09/2023 .1
Harvest to weighment completion:13.30hrs
Supplier B sr****
Lot no: 1133
Truck no:AP 16TF8169
Despatch time 24/09/2023 : 5pm
Arrival date &Time
25/9/2023 7am
Door open Time
25/9/2023 2.pm
Weighment completed 25/09/2023 4.40pm
Harvest to weighment completion: 23.40 hrs
After arrival, the lot tested positive for antibiotics, with two separate tests: ELISA and LCMS. The tan and green columns show the level of antibiotics detected in the shrimp during the two testing rounds.
On September 26, Lot 1127 also appeared in cold store records as antibiotic positive. The cold store records give additional identifying details for the lot, such as a shift code of 23G212 and a farm ID of AP048663-7/021.
On September 26, 2023, the label appeared in a company WhatsApp discussion with a farm ID, AP048663-7/021, stamped in the lower right corner of a box for Wholesome Pantry, showing that the packaging was prepared for this specific lot of shrimp. (The company emphasized that instances when antibiotic-positive lots are removed before being shipped do not always show up in documents.)
On September 27, 2023 at 1:30AM, lot 1146 arrived at the plant.
Mai****RM Vehicle Unloading Details 27/09/2023
Total No.of Trucks:6
Supplier: G Lakshmi narayanamma
Lot no: 1143
Truck no: AP31TD0009
Despatch time 26/09/2023: 8pm
Arrival date &Time 27/09/2023 : 12.18am
Door open Time: 27/09/2023 : 5.30am
Weighment completed 27/09/2023: 8.25am
Harvest to weighment completion:12.25 .hrs
Supplier: G Lakshmi narayanamma
Lot no:1144
Truck no: AP37TJ1225
Despatch time 26/09/2023: 8pm
Arrival date &Time 26/09/2023 : 12.20am
Door open Time: 27/09/2023 : 8.am
Weighment completed 27/09/2023:9.25am
Harvest to weighment completion: 13.25.hrs
Supplier: G Lakshmi narayanamma
Lot no:1145
Truck no: AP37TJ1225
Despatch time 26/09/2023: 8pm
Arrival date &Time 27/09/2023 : 12.20am
Door open Time: 27/09/2023 :8 am
Weighment completed 27/09/2023:10am
Harvest to weighment completion: 14 .hrs
Supplier: SSL
Lot no:1146
Truck no: AP39UK6149
Despatch time 26/09/2023: 9pm
Arrival date &Time 27/09/2023 : 1.30am
Door open Time: 27/09/2023 :10.30 am
Weighment completed 27/09/2023:10.45am
Harvest to weighment completion:14.45 .hrs
Supplier: SSL
Lot no:1147
Truck no: AP39UK6149
Despatch time 26/09/2023: 9pm
Arrival date &Time 27/09/2023 : 1.
Door open Time: 27/09/2023 :10.30 am
Weighment completed 27/09/2023: 12.pm
Harvest to weighment completion: 16.hrs
Supplier: Mounika Treade
Lot no:1148
Truck no AP16TF7722
Despatch time 26/09/2023: 10.30pm
Arrival date &Time 27/09/2023 :6
45 am
Door open Time: 27/09/2023 : 11.45am
Weighment completed 27/09/2023:1.45am
Harvest to weighment completion: 15.15.hrs
Supplier: Mounika Treade
Lot no:1149
Truck no: AP27TZ3445
Despatch time 26/09/2023: 10.30pm
Arrival date &Time 27/09/2023 : 11.30am
Door open Time: 27/09/2023 : 2.30pm
Weighment completed 27/09/2023:4.30pm
Harvest to weighment completion:18 .hrs
Supplier: A&A
Lot no:
Truck no: AP02TC1215
Despatch time 26/09/2023: 8.30pm
Arrival date &Time 27/09/2023 : am
Door open Time: 27/09/2023 : am
Weighment completed : *vehicle not reached* ....
Harvest to weighment completion: .hrs
Supplier: A&A
Lot no:
Truck no: AP02TC1215
Despatch time 26/09/2023: 8.30pm
Arrival date &Time 27/09/2023 :
Door open Time: 27/09/2023 :
Weighment completed *Vehicle not reached* .....
Harvest to weighment completion: .hrs
After arrival, the lot tested positive for antibiotics, with two separate tests: ELISA and LCMS. The tan and green columns show the level of antibiotics detected in the shrimp during the two testing rounds.
On September 28, 2023, Lot 1146 also appeared in cold store records as antibiotic positive. These records provided additional details for the lot, such as a shift code of 23A310 and farm ID of AP044374-2/005. Although the row was not labeled with the lot number, the product and the farm ID in the record matched the product and farm ID on the label, and the lot appeared in the record a day after its arrival at the plant.
On September 28, 2023, the farm ID for lot 1146, AP044374-2/005, appeared stamped in the lower half of a box for Tastee Choice, showing that the packaging was prepared for this specific lot of shrimp. (The company emphasized that instances when antibiotic-positive lots are removed before being shipped do not always show up in documents.)
2880 pounds of antibiotic positive shrimp packaged for the Bowl & Basket brand of Wakefern. (FG means “finished good” ready to be shipped, according to Joshua Farinella.)
2220 pounds of antibiotic positive shrimp packaged for the Bowl & Basket brand of Wakefern. (FG means “finished good” ready to be shipped, according to Joshua Farinella.)
570 pounds of antibiotic positive shrimp packaged for the Gold Star brand. (FG means “finished good” ready to be shipped, according to Joshua Farinella.)
2470.6 pounds of antibiotic positive shrimp packaged for the Great Value brand of Walmart. (FG means “finished good” ready to be shipped, according to Joshua Farinella.)
The tan middle column shows batches that failed the first round of testing, and the green column on the right shows batches that failed the second round of testing. (The company explained that shrimp is sometimes tested multiple times—e.g. using ELISA or LCMS tests—therefore documents can indicate antibiotic positive results in an early tests that are over-turned by a subsequent test.)
Aldi had previously submitted an order for size 16/20 “Black Tiger” shrimp. Farinella and Jacob realized that they do not have enough of the correct product on hand to fulfill the order by the deadline.
Jacob JoseVice President of Sales & Procurement of the Choice Canning CompanyCall me please
Joshua FarinellaPlant managerGive me a few minutes. In the car and this place has shit reception. I’m fucked on those tigers for Aldi.
Jacob JoseYeah I saw it coming.
Jacob JoseShit we are in trouble
Jacob JoseCan you at least confirm inventory
Jacob JoseI’m trying to get material
Jacob suggested mixing in 13/15, a different weight of shrimp, into the Aldi shipment to make up for the lack of 16/20 shrimp. Joshua said they have 7,100 pounds of 13/15 available, 1,000 pounds of which are “Oscar” shrimp. After Farinella informed Jacob Jose that some of the shrimp was “Oscar”, Jacob then included that amount in his tally when he said to use it to fill the order.
Jacob JoseVice President of Sales & Procurement of the Choice Canning CompanyAlso tell me me how much 13/15 we have?
Jacob JoseAnd count
Jacob JoseI might have you pack that into 16/20
(Farinella said “Oscar” always means antibiotic-positive. The company denies this.)Joshua FarinellaPlant manager7100 pounds. This includes just over 1000 pounds Oscar
Joshua FarinellaMore processing today
Jacob JoseWe have this in stock?
Jacob Jose16/20
Jacob JoseSo 24k - 7100
Joshua FarinellaYes
Jacob JoseWe only need 16 tonnes more than
Jacob confirmed that Joshua should mix in the “Oscar” shrimp to fulfill the Aldi order for the “16/20 Cist BT” (16/20-size cooked in shell, tail-on, Black Tiger) the brand had requested.
(Farinella said “Oscar” always means antibiotic-positive. The company denies this.)Joshua FarinellaPlant managerWhat to do about Oscar cases? I can have them blend everything we’ve got to push more out.
Jacob JoseVice President of Sales & Procurement of the Choice Canning CompanyOscar 16/20
Jacob JoseCist BT
Jacob JoseShip it on this load
Joshua FarinellaOk