National Fishing Law
Does the law/regulation require foreign vessels to employ national labor?
Article 26
Translated text:Fishing permits will be granted as stipulated by articles 7 and 9 of this law, with the following conditions:
- For a period of up to 10 (ten) years for a specific vessel. The Federal Fisheries Council will establish the conditions, and must prioritize the following: a- vessels that employ Argentine labor in a higher percentage; b- ships built in the country; c- newer vessels.
- For a period of up to 30 (thirty) years for a specific vessel, belonging to a company with processing facilities located in the national territory, and that process and produce fishery products there in a continued manner. The Federal Fisheries Council will establish the conditions, and must prioritize the following: a- vessels that employ Argentine labor in a greater percentage, on land and ships proportionally; b- that add value to the final product; c- ships built in the country; d- newer vessels.
- For the purposes of granting the permits provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article, the companies holding the vessels must prove compliance with current legal, social security and tax obligations.