Decreto 430 | General Law on Fisheries and Aquaculture

  • Language: Spanish
  • Year: 1992

Fishing Offenses & Infractions


Does the law/regulation provide for observers and are there requirements for the nationality of observers?

  • Title VIII, Article 103

    Translated text:

    Scientific observers will have the only functions of collecting, recording and reporting biological-fishery data and information on industrial and artisanal fishing operations, landing points or processing of fishing resources. Their work will not be oversight. Scientific observers must demonstrate knowledge and skills to carry out basic scientific tasks and may be professionals or technicians linked to marine, fisheries or aquaculture sciences, from accredited universities and professional institutes.

    Article 104.- He regulation will establish a procedure of coordination boarding, he that must contemplate a term minimum of 10 days for inform of the appointment of scientific observers to the respective shipowners. The maritime authority will not grant authorization to sail to ships or vessels that, having them been designated a observer, No this including in the crew on board. Shipowners must ensure that the captains or masters of their ships or vessels provide observers with extensive cooperation, so that they can carry to cape the tasks of collection of data. For these For these purposes, they must be provided with an adequate space for collecting information and analyzing of the samples as in addition a place enabled for process the capture data obtained. He compliance of the obligation of cooperation includes, besides, toast adequate accommodation, food, communication and personal security facilities for scientific observers. Scientific observers must have a tracking device of emergency staff that will activate exclusively in case of danger to his physical integrity. The call of help must be answered by the authority maritime, who must contact the captain of the ship or vessel in order to investigate regard of the situation reported and take the measures necessary for protect the integrity of the scientific observer.

    Article 105.- The information coming of the data collected by scientific observers will be public under the terms of Law No. 20,285. The information collected by scientific observers within the framework of the program of investigation, previously encoded the Names of ships and shipowners, will be public and may be requested by any research institution, academic or organization No governmental, for effects of his assessment and proposals for the plan to reduce bycatch and discarding. The information collected by the observers will be managed by the Undersecretariat and used exclusively for purposes scientists, of conservation and fisheries administration.

    Article 106.- The Undersecretary of Fishing will be able entrust to a either more institutions the administration of the scientific observer system. For such effects, the Undersecretary will subscribe a agreement of administration and operation by which one or more institutions will be charged with the administration of the scientific observer system. The agreement will be approved by resolution and must be signed with legal entities, public either private, the that they must have by object social either turn the investigation in he ambit of the sciences of the sea and count with experience in the compilation and prosecution of data and information biological-fishery to board of ships and plants. He regulation will establish the requirements and obligations that must achieve the system administrator.

  • Title VIII, Article 104

    Translated text:

    The regulations will establish a boarding coordination procedure, which must contemplate a minimum period of 10 days to inform the respective shipowners of the designation of scientific observers. The maritime authority will not grant sailing authorization to ships or vessels that, having been designated an observer, are not included in the crew on board. Shipowners must ensure that the captains or masters of their ships or vessels provide observers with extensive cooperation, so that they can carry out data collection tasks. For these purposes, they must be provided with an adequate space for collecting information and analyzing the samples, as well as a place enabled to process the capture data obtained. Compliance with the obligation of cooperation also includes providing adequate accommodation, food, communication and personal security facilities to scientific observers. Scientific observers must have a personal emergency location device that they will activate exclusively in the event of danger to their physical integrity. The distress call must be responded to by the maritime authority, who must contact the captain of the ship or vessel in order to investigate the reported situation and take the necessary measures to protect the integrity of the scientific observer.

  • Title VIII, Article 105

    Translated text:

    The information from the data collected by scientific observers will be public under the terms of Law No. 20.285. The information collected by scientific observers within the framework of the research program, previously coded the names of ships and owners, will be public and may be requested by any research institution, academic or non-governmental organization, for the purposes of its evaluation and proposals to the reduction plan. of bycatch and discarding. The information collected by observers will be managed by the Undersecretariat and used exclusively for scientific, conservation and fisheries administration purposes.

  • Title VIII, Article 106

    Translated text:

    The Undersecretary of Fisheries may entrust one or more institutions with the administration of the scientific observer system. For these purposes, the Undersecretariat will sign an administration and operation agreement by which it will entrust one or more institutions with the administration of the scientific observer system. The agreement will be approved by resolution and must be signed with legal entities, public or private, which must have research in the field of marine sciences as their corporate purpose or line of business and have experience in the collection and processing of biological-fishing data and information on board ships and in plants. The regulations will establish the requirements and obligations that the system administrator must comply with.

Vessel Registration & License Management

What is the applicable law/regulation for the registration of ships, and does the fisheries legislation have any relevant provisions for registration such as pre-approval?

  • Article 15

    Translated text:

    The persons interested in developing industrial fishing shall request, for each vessel, a fishing authorization from the Undersecretariat, which shall issue a decision by means of a founded resolution of the Undersecretary, after a technical report from the Service. An extract of the resolution, drawn up by the Undersecretariat, shall be published in the Official Gazette, at the expense of the interested party, within thirty days from the date of the respective resolution. The refusal of an application in accordance with the provisions of Article 19 shall be made by resolution of the Undersecretary. The fishing authorization shall enable the vessel to carry out extractive fishing activities on the species and areas indicated therein, for an indefinite period of time, in accordance with the regulations in force. The fishing authorizations granted by the Undersecretariat to a vessel shall all refer to the same person. The fishing authorization may not be alienated, leased or constitute in respect thereof other rights for the benefit of third parties under any title whatsoever, without prejudice to its transferability.

  • Article 16

    Translated text:

    The persons interested in obtaining a fishing authorization shall submit the following information with their application: a) Identification of the person requesting the authorization, who must document their current ownership of the vessel for which they are requesting fishing authorization. If the person has a right over the ship, different from ownership, he or she must prove it in the same way and it must be valid in the future for at least six months; b) Identification of the hydrobiological species to be exploited and the fishing area in which it is intended to develop the extractive fishing activities; c) Identification and characteristics of the vessel to be used; and d) Specification of the fishing gear, system or equipment to be used. The request must be fully processed within a period of 90 calendar days, counted from its presentation. The Undersecretariat may reasonably extend this period up to 180 calendar days counted from the same date.

  • Article 52

    Translated text:

    In order to register vessels with their respective owners and base in the artisanal registry, the following requirements shall be complied with: a) Prove the ownership of them by means of their registration as a fishing vessel, in the registries maintained by the maritime authority, in accordance with the laws and regulations. b) Accredit the main characteristics of the artisanal vessel, in accordance with the provisions of Article 2, No. 15, of this law. c) Prove that the owner, as appropriate, is registered as an artisanal fisherman. Vessels that qualify as artisanal, whose owners are non-profit institutions, intended for the training of artisanal fishermen, may be authorized to register in the artisanal registry, with the approval of the respective Zonal Fisheries Council, following a technical report from the Undersecretariat.

  • Article 53

    Translated text:

    Registration in the artisanal registry may not be denied except for lack of compliance with the requirements established in the preceding articles, and must be made or denied with justification, within a period of 60 days counted from the time it is requested by the artisanal fisherman. In the absence of an express pronouncement within said term by the Service, the request shall be understood as accepted, and the Service shall immediately proceed to carry out the registration.

What qualifications does the law/regulation give for a vessel to qualify as a local vessel?

  • Article 16

    Translated text:

    The persons interested in obtaining a fishing authorization shall submit the following information with their application: a) Identification of the person requesting the authorization, who must document their current ownership of the vessel for which they are requesting fishing authorization. If the person has a right over the ship, different from ownership, he or she must prove it in the same way and it must be valid in the future for at least six months; b) Identification of the hydrobiological species to be exploited and the fishing area in which it is intended to develop the extractive fishing activities; c) Identification and characteristics of the vessel to be used; and d) Specification of the fishing gear, system or equipment to be used. The request must be fully processed within a period of 90 calendar days, counted from its presentation. The Undersecretariat may reasonably extend this period up to 180 calendar days counted from the same date.

  • Article 52

    Translated text:

    In order to register vessels with their respective owners and base in the artisanal registry, the following requirements shall be complied with: a) Prove the ownership of them by means of their registration as a fishing vessel, in the registries maintained by the maritime authority, in accordance with the laws and regulations. b) Accredit the main characteristics of the artisanal vessel, in accordance with the provisions of Article 2, No. 15, of this law. c) Prove that the owner, as appropriate, is registered as an artisanal fisherman. Vessels that qualify as artisanal, whose owners are non-profit institutions, intended for the training of artisanal fishermen, may be authorized to register in the artisanal registry, with the approval of the respective Zonal Fisheries Council, following a technical report from the Undersecretariat.

Vessel Tracking

Does the law/regulation require or exempt fishing vessels to keep VMS turned on, or is there no provision?

  • Article 64B

    Translated text:

    Owners of industrial fishing vessels; for artisanal vessels with a total length equal to or greater than 15 meters and transport vessels, as well as artisanal vessels with a total length equal to or greater than twelve meters and less than fifteen meters registered in pelagic fisheries with the purse seine gear registered in Chile, that carry out extractive fishing activities in national jurisdictional waters, must install and keep in operation an automatic positioning device at sea. In the case of benthic resource fisheries, the provisions of letter d) of Article 48 A shall apply. The same obligation must be fulfilled by the owners of vessels registered in Chile that operate in non-jurisdictional waters; the owners of vessels that, whether or not registered in Chile, conduct research fishing inside or outside jurisdictional waters; and the owners of factory vessels that operate in jurisdictional waters or on the high seas. Likewise, this obligation will be applicable to the owners of fishing vessels or factory vessels of foreign registry that are authorized to call at the ports of the Republic. The system must guarantee, at a minimum, the automatic transmission of the vessel's updated geographical position. The positioning device must always remain operational on board the vessel, from departure to arrival at an authorized port. The manner, requirements, and conditions of application of the requirement established in this article will be determined in the regulations, after consultation with the National Fisheries Council. Likewise, an automatic geographic positioner must be installed in cases where the competent judge sanctions a major fishing vessel as a repeat offender for acting illegally in an area reserved for artisanal fishermen or falls into the infractions indicated in Title IX of this law. The installation and maintenance of the automatic positioning and transmission device, as well as the transmission of the signal to the satellite and from it to the first receiving station, will be at the expense of the owner. Transmission from said station to the inspection stations will be at the expense of the State.