(1) Ships that had been measured and issued with Measurement Documents maybe registered in Indonesia by the owner to the Registration Official and Recorder of Transfer of Title of Ship stipulated by the Minister.
(2) Ships that may be registered in Indonesia are:
a. ships that weigh at least 7 GT (seven gross tonnage);
b. shipsowned by Indonesian citizens or business entities established based on the Laws of Indonesia anddomiciled in Indonesia; and
c. ships ownedbyIndonesian business entities in the form of joint venture where the majority of its shares are ownedby Indonesian citizens.
(3) Shipregistration ismadebydrawingup a registration deed, and registered in the List of Indonesian Ships.
(4) As proof that a ship had been registered, the owner shall be given a registration deed gross functioning as proof of ownership of the registered ship.
(5) On ships that had been registered, it is obliged to install a Registration Sign.