Vessel Registration & License Management

Law No. 2-2000 on Marine Fisheries

What provisions in the law govern the granting, denial, revocation and cancellation of fishing licenses?

  • Article 34

    Translated text:

    A fishing license is an administrative document issued to a vessel that has been allocated a quota. The license is issued by the Marine Fisheries Authority after the technical visit of the fishing vessel.

  • Article 105

    Translated text:

    In case of repeat offenders (recidivists) or for offenses committed at night (even for a first offense), fines are doubled and the authorization is withdrawn for a period of at least twelve months

Merchant Navy Code

What is the applicable law/regulation for the registration of ships, and does the fisheries legislation have any relevant provisions for registration such as pre-approval?

  • Article 38

    Translated text:

    Receipts must be justified, written on stamped paper and addressed to the maritime authority; The following are entitled to make appeals a) The captain to whom the pairing authorization has been refused. b) The captain or vessel operator who considers the requirements of the navigation inspector or safety committees to be excessive; c) The delegate or three crew members, regarding the ship's seaworthiness, safety, habitability, hygiene and supplies.