Fishing Offenses & Infractions

Decree n° 2016-1804

Marine Fisheries Code

Does the law/regulation contain any provisions prohibiting the targeting of marine mammals?

  • Article 67

    Translated text:

    The following are prohibited at all times and in all places: (a) fishing, keeping and marketing of all species of marine mammals;

In laws/regulations that use the term "serious offenses," what offenses fall into that category?

  • Article 125

    Translated text:

    These are considered very serious industrial fishing offenses: (a) use of prohibited fishing gears or methods; (b) unauthorized transhipment or collect of catches; (c) fishing in prohibited areas; (d) fishing during closed seasons; (e) for all types of fishing gears, use of any means or devices having the effect of reducing the opening of the mesh size below the authorized standard or the selectivity of fishing gears; (f) use of a fishing vessel for a type of fishing operation other than the type it has been licensed for; (g) fraudulent declations of the vessels' technical specifications, in particular those related to the gross tonnage of the vessels authorized to operate within the maritime waters under the jurisdiction of Senegal; (h) use of explosives or noxious substances for the purpose of fisheries or their transportation on board fishing vessels; (i) failure to land catches in authorized ports or landing sites, where there exists such a requirement; (j) refusal for any fishing vessel in the waters under the jurisdiction of Senegal to stop where ordered to do so by an enforcement vessel.