2002 Marine Resources Act

  • Language: English
  • Year: 2002

Fishing Offenses & Infractions

Does this country's legislation require compliance with "international conservation and management measures" adopted by an RFMO in which it is a member?

  • Section 205

    In addition to the regulatory authority granted in the preceding section, the Authority shall have the following duties and functions: (7) to cooperate as appropriate with other nations or territories in the region and with foreign states fishing in the region and adjacent high seas area for the conservation and management of highly migratory fish stocks;


Does the law/regulation provide for observers and are there requirements for the nationality of observers?

  • Section 606

    (1) The Executive Director may appoint, in writing, any person to be an authorized observer or class of persons to be authorized observers for the purposes of this subtitle, any access agreement or any fisheries management agreement. (2) The Executive Director may appoint, in writing, any authorized observer to serve as a port sampler. Port samplers shall perform the duties of authorized observers at a point of transshipment or port located either inside or outside the Federated States of Micronesia. (3) Authorized observers and port samplers shall not be appointed as authorized officers and shall not be authorized to take enforcement action under this subtitle. (4) The requirements of sections 607(1), 607(2), 607(6), 607(7), 608, 609 and 610 shall apply equally to authorized observers and port samplers.


Does the law/regulation provide for transshipment?

  • Section 407

    (1) The operator of a foreign fishing vessel shall: (a) not transship at sea under any circumstances; (b) provide seventy-two (72) hours notice to the Authority of a request to transship any or all of the fish on board and shall provide the name of the vessel, its international radio call sign, its position, the catch on board by species, the time and port where such transshipment is requested to occur and an undertaking to pay all fees required under the laws of the Federated States of Micronesia; (c) only transship at the time and port authorized for transshipment; and (d) submit full reports on transshipping on such forms as may be required by the Authority or prescribed by regulation. (2) During transshipment in the Federated States of Micronesia the foreign party and operator of each vessel shall comply with all applicable National and State laws and regulations in the Federated States of Micronesia relating to protection of the environment, including without limitation, sewage holding tank requirements. (3) Any person who violates subsection (1)(a), (1)(c), (1)(d) or (2) of this section shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $75,000 and not more than $275,000.

Vessel Registration & License Management

What qualifications does the law/regulation give for a vessel to qualify as a local vessel?

  • Section 102

    (43) 'Local fishing vessel' means any fishing vessel wholly owned and controlled by: (a) the Government of the Federated States of Micronesia, any State government or any subdivision thereof; (b) one or more natural persons who are citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia; (c) any corporation, company, society, or other association of persons incorporated or established under the laws of the Federated States of Micronesia or of any State and which is wholly owned and controlled by one or more of the entities or persons described in paragraphs (a) or (b) of this subsection; and (d) any combination of persons or entities described in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this subsection.

What provisions in the law govern the granting, denial, revocation and cancellation of fishing licenses?

  • Section 109

    (1) The Executive Director shall notify the applicant of the decision to issue or deny a permit, or of the need for more information, within a reasonable time of the date of receipt of the completed application. (2) The Executive Director may approve the application on such terms and conditions and with such restrictions as he deems appropriate. (3) A permit, or its renewal, may be denied where: (a) the application is not in accordance with the requirements of this subtitle; (b) the Executive Director is satisfied that information required to be given or reported under this subtitle is false, incomplete or misleading; (c) the owner or charterer is the subject of proceedings under the bankruptcy laws of any jurisdiction or on reasonable grounds appears unable to meet any financial obligations which could arise from fishing activities and reasonable financial assurances sought by the Authority have not been provided; (d) the fishing vessel does not meet required safety standards; (e) the fishing vessel does not bear the required markings; (f) an operator of the vessel has contravened or has committed an offense against the laws of the Federated States of Micronesia, or the vessel has been used for contravention of an access agreement; or (g) the Executive Director determines that the issuance of a permit would not be in the best interests of the Federated States of Micronesia. (4) A permit shall be denied where: (a) the application is made in respect of a foreign fishing vessel that does not have good standing on the Regional Register of Foreign Fishing Vessels maintained by the South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency; (b) the operator of the vessel with respect to which application for a permit has been made has failed to satisfy a judgment or other final determination or breach of this subtitle or an access agreement or fisheries management agreement entered into pursuant to this subtitle, until such time as the judgment or other determination is satisfied; provided that a subsequent change in ownership of a vessel shall not affect the application of this provision; (c) the Executive Director determines it would be inconsistent with management measures implemented in accordance with this subtitle; (d) the required fees, royalties or other forms of compensation have not been paid in accordance with this subtitle and an applicable access agreement; or (e) the Executive Director determines that insurance requirements of this subtitle and the applicable access agreement are not fulfilled

  • Section 110

    (1) A permit issued or renewed under this subtitle shall only be valid for the species of fish, the type of fishing gear or method of fishing, or such other activity in accordance with this subtitle, as may be specified in the permit. (2) No permit shall authorize: (a) fishing by foreign fishing vessels on, over or within one nautical mile of the edge of a coral reef that is wholly submerged at mean high tide within the exclusive economic zone; (b) fishing by foreign fishing vessels within a two nautical mile radius of any fish aggregating device of the Government, a citizen or any other body established under the laws of the Federated States of Micronesia; (c) fishing using a drift net or other substantially similar method of catching fish; (d) drift net fishing activities, including the transporting, transshipping and processing of any driftnet catch, and the provisioning of food, fuel and other supplies for vessels used or outfitted for driftnet fishing. (3) A permit issued to a vessel may authorize fishing on, over or within one nautical mile of the edge of a coral reef that is wholly submerged at mean high tide within the exclusive economic zone, only if:(a) the applicant's permit application provides adequate support for marine scientific research or commercial pilot fishing in such area; and (i) with respect to commercial pilot fishing, the Authority has determined that commercial pilot fishing at the levels proposed in the permit application will not damage the sustainability of the fishery resources; or (ii) with respect to marine scientific research, the Authority has determined that the research methodology proposed in the permit application will not damage the sustainability of the fishery resources; or (b) the Authority has determined that such fishing is commercially viable and sustainable; and (c) the Executive Director has submitted a copy of the application to the Governor of the FSM State whose customary inhabitants have been traditionally ascribed the authority to control the fishing over such reef; and (d) within seventy-five (75) days of the Governor of the concerned FSM State having received such submission, the Governor of the concerned FSM State, on behalf of either the State government or the State's customary or traditional leadership, has communicated in writing to the Executive Director its consent to the issuance of the permit with respect to the reef or reefs traditionally ascribed to its customary inhabitants.

  • Section 111

    If any fishing vessel for which a permit has been issued pursuant to section 109 of this subtitle has been used in the commission of any act prohibited by this subtitle, other applicable law, an applicable access agreement, or any permit issued in accordance with this subtitle, or if any fee or civil penalty, criminal fine or other determination imposed under this subtitle has not been paid within 30 days of the due date, the Executive Director shall: (1) revoke such permit with or without prejudice to the right of any party involved to be issued a permit for such vessel in any subsequent licensing period; (2) suspend such permit for a period of time he may deem appropriate; or (3) impose additional conditions or restrictions on any such permit.

Does the law/regulation require license denial where a vessel has violated fisheries laws in areas beyond national jurisdiction, for example where the vessel is on, or associates with another vessel on an RFMO IUU Vessel list or for other reasons?

  • Section 111

    If any fishing vessel for which a permit has been issued pursuant to section 109 of this subtitle has been used in the commission of any act prohibited by this subtitle, other applicable law, an applicable access agreement, or any permit issued in accordance with this subtitle, or if any fee or civil penalty, criminal fine or other determination imposed under this subtitle has not been paid within 30 days of the due date, the Executive Director shall: (1) revoke such permit with or without prejudice to the right of any party involved to be issued a permit for such vessel in any subsequent licensing period; (2) suspend such permit for a period of time he may deem appropriate; or (3) impose additional conditions or restrictions on any such permit.

Vessel Tracking

Does the law/regulation require or exempt fishing vessels to keep VMS turned on, or is there no provision?

  • Section 611

    (1) The Authority may require, as a condition of fishing in the exclusive economic zone, that the operator of any vessel: (a) install on such vessel, at its own expense, a transponder approved by the Authority; (b) maintain such transponder in good working order at all times while in the fishery waters or such other area as may be agreed or designated; and (c) ensure that any information or data required by the Authority to be transmitted by the transponder is transmitted continuously, accurately and effectively to the designated receiver. (2) For the purposes of this subtitle, a transponder, which may also be referred to as an automatic location communicator or ALC, means any device or machine placed on a fishing vessel as a condition of its permit or access agreement, which transmits, whether in conjunction with another machine or other machines, elsewhere or not, information or data concerning the position, fishing and such other activities of the vessel as may be required. (3) The Authority may establish by regulation a list of approved transponders. An approved transponder shall be presumed to be accurate; a transponder that is not approved shall not be presumed to be accurate. All information or data obtained or ascertained by the use of a transponder, shall be presumed to: (a) come from the vessel so identified; and (b) be given by the master, owner and charterer of the fishing vessel. This presumption shall apply whether or not the information was stored before or after any transmission or transfer. (4) No person shall intentionally, recklessly or unintentionally destroy, damage, render inoperative or otherwise interfere with a machine aboard a vessel which automatically feeds or inputs information or data into a transponder, or intentionally feed or input information or data into a transponder which is not officially required or is meaningless. (5) Any person who violates subsection (1) or subsection (4) of this section, by failing to install, maintain, or ensure the transmission of information from a transponder as required, is subject to a civil penalty of not less than $100,000 and not more than $500,000.