Fu Yuan Yu 7895

- MMSI412440674
- IMO9871244
- Call SignBZUX5
- Is ActiveYes
- E.U. Sanco ApprovedNo
Crimes or Concerns
- Forced labor risk
- U.S. government sanctions
- The U.S. Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control has blocked the Fu Yuan Yu 7895 because of the vessel operator's involvement in the 2017 transshipment of thousands of shark carcasses and because of crew reports of physical violence and forced labor on Pingtan Marine Enterprise vessels. Pingtan Marine Enterprise, a Chinese seafood conglomerate, and it's affiliate companies, Pingtan County Ocean Fishing Group Co Ltd and Fuzhou Honglong Ocean Fishing Co Ltd, were sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury Office in December 2022. The U.S. Treasury Office identified 125 vessels associated with these companies and designated them as blocked property.
processors 5
Rongcheng Haibo Seafood荣成海博海洋食品有限公司
Rongcheng Jiamei Seafood荣成嘉美海洋食品有限公司
Rongcheng Runtong Aquatic Products荣成市润通水产有限公司
Shandong Haidu Ocean Product山东海都海洋食品有限公司
Shandong Shuangdu Ocean Food山东双都海洋食品有限公司
importers 58
Bantry Bay AmericaUnited States
Best Import ExportUnited States
C & D International FisheryUnited States
Captain's Choice SeafoodUnited States
Channel Seafoods InternationalUnited States
Cheung Kong HoldingUnited States
D&T FoodsUnited States
Delfin Ultracongelados S.A.Spain
E. Frank HopkinsUnited States
FTA Food SolutionsAustralia
First Choice SeafoodUnited States
Frigorifics Ferrer S.A.U.Spain
Froxa S.A.Spain
Grand BKUnited States
HF Food ServicesUnited States
Hongchang FoodsUnited States
Hunter Marine FoodsCanada
Imaex TradingUnited States
Inlet Seafish SLSpain
International Lam Sheng Kee Inc. / Global Lam Sheng KeeUnited States
J Deluca FishUnited States
J&J Seafood Int'l USAUnited States
Kabona International CorporationUnited States
Korean FarmUnited States
Leopard USA Corp DBA Ocean KingdomUnited States
Limson TradingUnited States
Lund's FisheriesUnited States
MFG DistributionCanada
Mike Marrano JC MurrayUnited States
Morgan FoodsCanada
Ocean Bistro CorporationUnited States
Ocean Touch CorporationUnited States
Ocean TraderCanada
Oriental Merchant PtyAustralia
Pacific American Fish Co Inc (PAFCO)United States
Palmetto Food ServiceUnited States
Pecheries Oceanic FisheriesCanada
Peixos Mes Fred SLSpain
Pescados E. Guillem S.LSpain
Premier Marine CanadaCanada
Rhee BrosUnited States
Ruggiero SeafoodUnited States
Sea RelationUnited States
Seafood Castle CorporationUnited States
Seafood Connection B.V.Netherlands
Seafood SpecialistsUnited States
Seafood USUnited States
Sierra Trading GroupUnited States
Simple SeafoodUnited States
Sofina FoodsCanada
Soline TradingCanada
Southeastern Food SuppliesUnited States
Sun Thai Seafood CorporationCanada
Sun US TradingUnited States
Tampa Bay FisheriesUnited States
Three RabbitsUnited States
Wei-Chuan USAUnited States
Wout Taal ImportNetherlands
buyers 47
99 Ranch MarketUnited States
A1 Cash & CarryCanada
Alan's MarketUnited States
Bon Preu GroupSpain
Chicago Oriental Wholesale MarketUnited States
EZShop / Prime Cash and CarryNetherlands (Sint Maarten)
Emerald FoodserviceUnited States
EsammiUnited States
FoodirectUnited States
G & D SupermarcheCanada
Gainsville SeafoodUnited States
Galleria SupermarketUnited States
Ginsberg's FoodsUnited States
Gordon Food ServiceUnited States
H MartUnited States
Korean FarmUnited States
KrogerUnited States
MVR Cash and CarryCanada
Marché Fu TaiCanada
Mayrand Food DepotCanada
OK MartUnited States
Ocean Mart RoyUnited States
Pacific SupermarketUnited States
Peppino's FoodUnited States
Performance Food GroupUnited States
Pescados CastellonSpain
PointyUnited States
Rego Fresh MarketplaceUnited States
S.J. DistributorsUnited States
San Pedro SupermarketBelize
Seabra FoodsUnited States
Seafood CityUnited States
Seoul Asian MarketUnited States
Siam StoreUnited States
Super Global Mart CharlotteUnited States
Superior Food ServicesAustralia
Supermarché PACanada
SyscoUnited States
Tarpon Bay ShopUnited States
The Best of BywardCanada
Today's Catch SeafoodUnited States
Vince's Gourmet ImportsUnited States
Woori MarketUnited States
Z Tao MarketplaceUnited States
Zehrs (Loblaws)Canada
Fu Yuan Yu 7895