Zhou Yu 921

- MMSI412549085
- IMO9888261
- Call SignBZUS2
- Is ActiveYes
- E.U. Sanco ApprovedNo
Crimes or Concerns
- Unregulated (Use of Multiple MMSIs)
- AIS spoofing
- The Zhou Yu 921, authorized bySPRFMOsince October 11, 2019 was using simultaneously twoMMSInumbers during 2020. One of them, the 412549085 (associated to China) recorded on theSPRFMOregistry, broadcasted a total of 180,352AISpositions on the Southeast Pacific. Another, theMMSInumber 232471989 associated with the United Kingdom flag broadcast 10,346 positions. This lastMMSInumber is likely being used without the consent of the flag State it is associated with.
processors 1
China Aquatic Products Zhoushan Marine Fisheries中国水产舟山海洋渔业制品有限公司
importers 1
Inter-Canada FisheriesCanada
buyers 1
Odessa PossionerCanada
Zhou Yu 921