Zhou Yu 922

- MMSI412549086
- IMO9888431
- Call SignBZUS3
- Is ActiveYes
- E.U. Sanco ApprovedNo
Crimes or Concerns
- Unregulated (Use of Multiple MMSIs)
- AIS spoofing
- TheAIStracking data from theMMSInumber 412671870 clearly shows that it is two vessels transmitting the sameMMSInumber. One of them, the vessel Zhou Yu 922 authorized by theSPRFMOand located in the Galapagos and the high seas adjacent to Peru’s EEZ, was also using a otherMMSInumber 412549086 simultaneously with the 412671870 for 2020 and the second vessel broadcast in the high seas adjacent to Japan’sEEZand inside the NPFC area was identified as Zhou Yu 810, Chinese squid vessel with authorized by the NPFC.
processors 1
China Aquatic Products Zhoushan Marine Fisheries中国水产舟山海洋渔业制品有限公司
importers 1
Inter-Canada FisheriesCanada
buyers 1
Odessa PossionerCanada
Zhou Yu 922