Presidential Decree No. 284/14 of October 13 approving the Regulation on Measures to Prevent, Combat and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
Fishing Offenses & Infractions
Does the law/regulation provide for transshipment?
Full Text
Summary:The Regulation on Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate IUU fishing provides for transshipment's inspection.
Vessel Registration & License Management
Does the law/regulation require license denial where a vessel has violated fisheries laws in areas beyond national jurisdiction, for example where the vessel is on, or associates with another vessel on an RFMO IUU Vessel list or for other reasons?
Article 4
Translated text:A vessel is considered to be engaged in IUU fishing when it is shown that, in violation of the measures for the conservation and management of biological resources, it has carried out the following actions: a)- Fishing without a license or without a valid authorization issued by the competent authority under the terms defined in the LRBA; b)- Failure to comply with their obligations to record and declare catch data or related data, including data to be transmitted by the satellite vessel monitoring system or prior notifications under Article 9 of this Regulation; c)- Fishing in a reserve area, during a closed season, without a quota or after a quota has been exhausted or beyond a permitted depth; d)- Use of prohibited gear or gear that does not comply with the provisions of the concession title; e)- Falsifying or concealing the vessel's marks, identity or registration number; f)- Transhipment or participation in joint operations with vessels identified in IUU fishing; g)- Loading on board, transhipment or unloading of fish of a size smaller than that provided for in the LRBA, in the case of a foreign fishing vessel of sizes not authorized under international legislation; h)- Lack of nationality, thus constituting a stateless vessel under international law.