- Language: Portuguese
- Year: 2012
Fishing Offenses & Infractions
Does the law/regulation contain any provisions related to harmful fishing methods and the sale of fish caught using such methods?
Full Text
Translated text:THE MINISTER OF STATE FOR FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE and the MINISTER OF STATE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, in the use of their powers, and HAVING IN MIND the provisions of Law No. 10.683, of 28 May 2003, Law No. 11.959, of 29 June 2009, Decree No. 6.981, of 13 October 2009 and Interministerial Ordinance MPA/MMA No. 2, of 13 November 2009, and what is contained in Process No. 00350.000142/2012-49, of the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Resolve: Art. 1 Prohibit, in waters under national jurisdiction, the use and transport of ocean surface drift gillnets, popularly known as mesh nets. Sole Paragraph. For the purposes of this Interministerial Normative Instruction, a mesh net is understood to be a surface or sub-surface gillnet that works adrift, attached to the vessel by means of a filament system, made of multifilament nylon panels with mesh sizes equal to or greater than 140 (one hundred and forty) mm between opposing knots. Art. 2 Violators of this Normative Instruction will be subject to the penalties and sanctions established, respectively, by Law No. 9.605 of 12 February 1998 and Decree No. 6.514 of 22 July 2008. Art. 3 This Interministerial Normative Instruction will come into force 30 (thirty) days after the date of its publication.