DECREE NO. 4.810, OF 19 AUGUST 2003
Does the law/regulation provide for observers and are there requirements for the nationality of observers?
Article 6
Translated text:The Authorization to Lease a Foreign Fishing Vessel will have a maximum term of up to two years, and may be extended for an equal period, at the discretion of the Special Secretariat for Aquaculture and Fisheries of the Presidency of the Republic, subject to the provisions of arts. 4 and 5 of this Decree. IV - to keep on board the vessel, at no cost to the Federal Government, accommodation and food to serve as a Brazilian technician or on-board observer, when appointed by the Special Secretariat for Aquaculture and Fisheries of the Presidency of the Republic or by the Ministry of the Environment to collect data and information of interest to the national fishing sector and environmental monitoring and inspection; § Paragraph 3 - On foreign leased vessels, the Brazilian technician or on-board observer referred to in item IV of this article shall be a compulsory part of the Brazilian crew, in accordance with the criteria established by the Special Secretariat for Aquaculture and Fisheries of the Presidency of the Republic.