Canada Shipping Act 2001

  • Language: English/French
  • Year: 2001

Vessel Registration & License Management

What is the applicable law/regulation for the registration of ships, and does the fisheries legislation have any relevant provisions for registration such as pre-approval?

  • Article 46

    (1) Unless it is exempted under the regulations, a vessel must be registered under this Part if it (a) is not a pleasure craft; (b) is wholly owned by qualified persons; and (c) is not registered, listed or otherwise recorded in a foreign state.

What qualifications does the law/regulation give for a vessel to qualify as a local vessel?

  • Article 47

    Unless they are registered, listed or otherwise recorded in a foreign state, the following vessels may be registered under this Part: (b) a vessel that is owned by a corporation incorporated under the laws of a foreign state if one of the following is acting with respect to all matters relating to the vessel, namely, (i) a subsidiary of the corporation incorporated under the laws of Canada or a province, (ii) an employee or a director in Canada of a branch office of the corporation that is carrying on business in Canada, or (iii) a ship management company incorporated under the laws of Canada or a province; and (c) a vessel that is in the exclusive possession of a qualified person under a financing agreement under which the person will acquire ownership on completion of the agreement.