Decree-Law No. 48/2007
What is the applicable law/regulation for the registration of ships, and does the fisheries legislation have any relevant provisions for registration such as pre-approval?
Whole text
The application for a fishing license shall be rejected in the following circumstances: a) If, on the basis of the assessment or scientific information available, fishing for the target species referred to in the fishing license application is likely to result in significant damage to the conservation and management of such species and to fishery resources in general, or to marine ecosystems; b) If the applicant has been held administratively or judicially responsible for a very serious offense or two or more serious offenses, as defined in this Decree-Law, within a period of two years prior to the date of the application; c) If the applicant is subject to judicial winding-up proceedings, cessation of payment or bankruptcy or fails to provide adequate financial guarantees; d) If fines for a vessel in the applicant's fleet remain outstanding; e) If the master or fishing vessel concerned has participated in illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing activities in the two years preceding the license application; f) If the fishing vessel does not comply, on the advice of the competent maritime authority, with the safety and seaworthiness requirements and technical standards defined by national and international standards or does not comply with the standards for working conditions on board; g) If the fishing vessel does not comply with the legislation in force governing the registration and marking of vessels; h) If the other requirements and conditions laid down in this statute and in special legislation for the issue of a fishing license have not been met; i) If the type of fishing involves the capture of accompanying fauna belonging to a fishery whose access is temporarily closed to economic exploitation and utilization or is under a recovery regime; j) If the type of fishing intended to be carried out with the license applied for is temporarily prohibited or access to the fishing zone is temporarily closed, or the sea zone or target species targeted in the application for the fishing license are in a recovery regime, or the sea zone targeted is closed to fishing activities or reserved for another type of fishing; k) If the fishing vessel for which the license application has been made is already the beneficiary of an existing fishing license granted to the same shipowner, applicant or on behalf of a person other than the applicant; l) If the shipowner does not prove that he has a fishing vessel in operational condition for the duration of the license or intends to use the license to trade with other shipowners or their representatives; or m) If the license application is made in favor of a foreign fishing vessel outside the framework of a fisheries agreement with the flag State, or outside the framework of an access agreement with an international intergovernmental organization of which the flag State is a member, or outside the framework of a fisheries contract with foreign fishermen's associations.
The following sanctions may be applied to very serious offenses: a) In the case of the very serious administrative offenses provided for in Article 119, points a) to g), seizure of the fishing vessel, the fish on board and the fishing gear, with transfer of ownership to the State or to the public entity determined by law, after the seizure decision has become final; b) The revocation of the fishing license, without the right to return part of the fishing fee for the remaining duration of the fishing license; c) The definitive loss by the national fishing vessel of state sponsorship in obtaining a fishing license in maritime waters under the jurisdiction of a third State in cases where the fishing license is granted under a fishing access agreement between Cape Verde and that State, when the national fishing vessel has been punished by a third State for fishing without a license in maritime waters under the jurisdiction of that State or for another very serious administrative offense; d) A ban on the participation of the owner of a fishing vessel punished for a very serious administrative offense under this law in fairs related to fishing, organized by national public bodies; or e) The inclusion of the fishing vessel and its owner on the national list of fishing vessels practising IUU fishing.
The competent authority shall ensure the widest possible dissemination, including through its website, of the identification of fishing vessels registered in the national fishing vessel register, operating in national maritime waters or on the high seas, indicating the date of their registration, the identification of their owner, charterer or operator, as well as the type of fishing they practise and the base port to which they have been assigned.