ChinaOversight BodyAdministrative Department of FisheriesRegistry ClosedILO ConventionsRatified MLC in 2015SOLAS Ratified SOLAS in 1980TopicsFishing Offenses & Infractions2 lawsObservers1 lawVessel Ownership & Legal Responsibility1 lawVessel Registration & License Management1 lawVessel Tracking2 lawsLaws13th Five-Year Plan for the Development of National Offshore FisheriesFishing Offenses & InfractionsFisheries Law of the People's Republic of ChinaFishing Offenses & InfractionsVessel Ownership & Legal ResponsibilityVessel Registration & License ManagementNational Compliance Scheme and Actions Taken by China to Implement Measures in C-21-04 Letter, 2023Vessel TrackingRegulations on the Management of Ocean-Going FisheriesObserversVessel Tracking