Code des pêches
Does the law/regulation contain any provisions related to harmful fishing methods and the sale of fish caught using such methods?
Article 32
Translated text:Anyone who fishes using explosives or substances that are poisonous or harmful to the life of fish, or has them on board, is liable to a fine not exceeding 200,000 FD.
Article 33
Translated text:Anyone who uses prohibited fishing gear or fishes in prohibited areas or at prohibited times will be punished with a fine not exceeding 100,000 FD.
Article 34
Translated text:Anyone who uses non-regulatory fishing gear will be punished with the fine provided for by the Penal Code for 5th class contraventions, namely a fine not exceeding 50,000 FD. Art.39.- Anyone who knowingly sold or purchased products from fishing carried out in violation of the requirements of this Code will be punished with a fine not exceeding 200,000 FD.