
2012 Offshore Fisheries Management Act

Does the law/regulation provide for transshipment?

  • Article 78

    (1) Unless otherwise prescribed, the Director shall authorise any landing, transhipment, bunkering or provisioning involving any vessel in Fiji fisheries waters or in a port of Fiji in accordance with any applicable access agreement, fisheries management agreement, and any requirement which may be prescribed. (2) The Director shall attach such conditions as may be prescribed and may attach additional conditions as he or she thinks fit which are consistent to any condition which may be prescribed, to any authorisation granted under subsection (1). (3) The master, owner, charterer or operator of the vessel authorised in accordance with this section shall comply with all applicable laws of Fiji and any conditions of such authorisation. (4) The Director may suspend or revoke such authorisation if there is failure to comply with the conditions of the authorisation or the requirements of this Decree. (5) Any person who undertakes any landing, transhipment, bunkering or provisioning activity in respect of a fishing vessel without an authorisation issued pursuant to this section,

Offshore Fisheries Management Regulations 2014 (L.N. No. 18 of 2014)

Does the law/regulation provide for transshipment?

  • S34

    (1) The operator of a fishing vessel shall not tranship at sea under any circumstances except in a port authorised by the Director to an authorised carrier vessel which is in good standing on the Regional Register. (2) The operator of a fishing vessel intending to conduct transhipment shall in accordance with sub-regulation (1)- (a) provide 72 hours' notice to the Director of a request to tranship any or all of the fish on board; and (b) provide such information required in the form set out in Schedule 61 including the name of the vessel, its international radio call sign, its position, the catch on board by species, the time and port where such transhipment is requested to occur, and an undertaking to pay all fees required. (3) A fishing vessel authorised to conduct transhipment in accordance with this regulation shall- (a) only tranship at the time, port, and approved designated areas within Fiji fisheries waters authorised for transhipment by the Director; (b) submit full reports on transhipment in the form approved by the Director; (c) allow and assist any person identified as an observer to have full access to and use of facilities and equipment which the officer may determine is necessary to carry out his or her duties; (d) not assault, obstruct, resist, delay, refuse boarding to, intimidate or interfere with any such officer in the performance of his or her duties; and (e) pay the relevant fees set out in Schedule 7 based on tonnage of fish transhipped to the receiving vessel upon completion of transhipment operations in a designated port or specified area within Fiji fisheries waters. (4) The operator of a vessel shall comply with any condition imposed by the Director in the authorisation for transhipment. (5) Transhipment in a designated area within Fiji fisheries waters shall only be authorised for Fiji fishing vessels transhipping fresh fish. (6) An operator of a vessel who contravenes this regulation commits an offense.