Fisheries Regulations, 2010 (L.I. 1968)

  • Language: English
  • Year: 2010

Fishing Offenses & Infractions


Does the law/regulation provide for observers and are there requirements for the nationality of observers?

  • Article 35

    (1) The Minister shall on the recommendation of the Commission designate as an observer any person with the requisite expertise and knowledge who (a) does not hold a licence issued for commercial fishing; (b) does not purchase fish for the purpose of retail; and (c) is not an owner, operator or manager of an enterprise that . catches, processes or transports fish. (2) An observer shall (a) monitor fishing activities; (b) examine and measure fishing gear, scientific data and other observations and take samples in accordance with sampling plans; (c) monitor landed fish and ascertain the weight and species of fish caught and retained while at wharf; (d) conduct biological examination and sampling of fish which includes total plate count parasites, pathogenic microbes and faecal indications; and (e) carry out any other duties that the Commission may determine.


Does the law/regulation provide for transshipment?

  • Article 33

    (1) A person shall not transship fish from a Ghanaian fishing vessel to a foreign fishing vessel that is not licensed under the Act or vice-versa. (2) A person shall not transship fish from a Ghanaian industrial vessel to a semi-industrial vessel or to canoes or vice-versa. (3) A person shall not transfer fish from one canoe to another canoe or from a semi-industrial to a canoe except in areas where there are no safe landing facilities and with the consent of the owners. (4) A fishing vessel of fifty gross registered tonnage and above or licensed as an industrial vessel shall deposit their catches at approved ports in the country. (5) A person shall not transfer fish from one canoe to another canoe or from a semi-industrial vessel to a canoe except in verifiable emergency situations. (6) A carrier or a servicing vessel that services the fishing operations of a vessel in the fishing waters of this country shall be licensed by the Commission. (7) A vessel calling at a port to carry fish outside this country shall pay the appropriate transshipment fee to the Commission. (8) Transshipment of fish can only be undertaken at authorised ports. (9) A carrier shall declare its load at the authorised port before transshipment. (10) A person who contravenes sub-regulations (1), (2), (3), (4) or (5) commits an offense and is liable on summary conviction to the fine specified under section 132 (2) of the Act.