Fisheries (Purse Seine Vessel Days Scheme) Regulations 2014
Does the law/regulation require or exempt fishing vessels to keep VMS turned on, or is there no provision?
Regulations 17
(I) The owner or operator of a fishing vessel licensed or authorised pursuant to the Act shall - (a) maintain the mobile transceiver unit in good working order at all times during the period of validity of the licence or authorisation when the vessel is in Kiribati waters. on the high seas or in waters under the jurisdiction of another State: (b) not interfere with, tamper with, alter, damage, or disable the mobile transceiver unit: (c) not move or remove the mobile transceiver unit from the original position in which such unit was installed without the prior permission of the Director of Fisheries: (d) ensure that upon notification by the Director of Fisheries or otlicers designated by the Director that the vessel 's mobile transceiver unit has failed to transmit, comply with the directives of the Director of Fisheries or officers designated by the Director until such time that the vesser s mobile transceiver unit is functioning properly; (e) authorise the Director to' be able to monitor the vessel at all times during the period of validity of the licence orauthorisation- (f) allow for the auditing and interrogation of the mobile transceiver unit b auth ri ed office r or officers designated by the Director of Fishe rie -.