National Fisheries and Aquaculture Law 2019
What provisions in the law govern the granting, denial, revocation and cancellation of fishing licenses?
Article 10.3
(1) The Director General may, taking into account the recommendations of a Licensing Committee established pursuant to this Act, approve the grant, renewal, suspension and revocation of licenses and authorisations for any. purpose specified in Section 10.1 or which may be prescribed in accordance with this Act or required under any applicable Fisheries Management Plan or international agreement.
Article 10.11
(1) The Director General may, by written notice to the license holder or that person's agent, suspend or cancel any license, authorization or accreditation issued pursuant to this Act for any of the following reasons: a. there has been a contravention of the license, authorization or terms of accreditation, this Act, or an applicable international agreement and/or national or international conservation and management measures in respect of which the license or authorization was given, b. there has been a failure to maintain or comply with the eligibility criteria for the licence, authorization or accreditation, or there has been any material change or change in circumstances affecting eligibility to meet such criteria for any reason c. the license holder has furnished information which is untrue, incomplete or misleading in connection with the t application, in contravention of Section 8.1; d. a license or authorization has been transferred without the written approval of the Director General; e. it is necessary to do so to implement conservation and management measures under this Act, in accordance with its objective and principles; or f. such other reasons as may be prescribed in Liberian Law or the Regulations.
What is the applicable law/regulation for the registration of ships, and does the fisheries legislation have any relevant provisions for registration such as pre-approval?
Article 10.4
(1) In approving or renewing licenses and authorizations pursuant to this Act, and in setting the level of any performance bond required under Section 5.4, the Director General and a Licensing Committee established pursuant to this Act shall take into account the extent to which the relevant vessel, including its operator or other relevant person, as appropriate, has: c. complied with all applicable vessel registration requirements; f. complied with the requirements of the Maritime Law, Title 21 Liberian Codes Revised