Terms and conditions for tuna fishing
Fishing Offenses & Infractions
Does this country's legislation require compliance with "international conservation and management measures" adopted by an RFMO in which it is a member?
Article 22
As noted in General Conditions, all tuna fishing vessels shall comply fully with all IOTC resolutions while fishing in Mozambique’s waters. Those special resolutions and requirements are summarized and appended hereto for the information and action by the Master, Owner and Operator of the vessel.
Vessel Tracking
Does the law/regulation require or exempt fishing vessels to keep VMS turned on, or is there no provision?
Article 18
All foreign and national tuna fishing vessels shall be equipped with a satellite Monitoring Transmission Unit/Automatic Location Communicator (MTU/ALC) of a type approved by the Competent Authority of Licensing for Mozambique. All fishing vessels over 24m shall also be equipped with an Automatic Location System (AIS) prior to operations in Mozambique’s waters. Both AIS and VMS must be configured according to Mozambique law and switched on at all times while in Mozambique’s waters unless so authorized to switch it off for a set period by the Competent Authority of Licensing for Mozambique.