Vessel Ownership & Legal Responsibility

Amendment of Regulations relating to the exploitation of marine resources (Government Notice No. 93 of 2018)

Does the law/regulation require information about the beneficial owner of the vessel?

  • Document 1, Document 3


    Documents 1 and 3 must be appended to any application for a right to harvest marine resources in terms of Section 33 of the Marine Resources Act, 2000. Document 1 provides a form in which all names of shareholders must be disclosed and listed. Document 2 contains a form in which the company beneficial ownership must be disclosed. Document 3 features a form to disclose fishing vessel beneficial ownership. Each document must be accompanied by a series of supporting documents.

Marine Resources Act

Does the law/regulation require information about the beneficial owner of the vessel?

  • Article 33

    (4) When considering, an application for a right, the Minister may have regard to- (b) where the applicant is a company, the extent to which the beneficial control of the company vests in Namibian citizens; (c) the beneficial ownership of any vessel which will be used by the applicant;