Translated text:prior to carrying out a transshipment operation, the Panamanian flag vessels of international service that intend to participate in these operations either as donor or receiver, must request an authorization to the authority to carry out the operation. the above mentioned request must be in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and must be presented within the period established by the RFMO to which the vessel belongs whether it is donor or receiver. requests for authorization to transship fishery products caught in fisheries management regions where the species is not regulated by the same or transshipments carried out in areas not regulated by an RFMO, must be submitted no less than 24 hours prior to the operation. The above must be notified to the corresponding RFMO, to the coastal state, if applicable, complying with the information deliveries established by each organization. Under no circumstances may a transshipment be carried out without prior authorization from the authority, once the verification indicated in this article has been completed. In the case of Panamanian flag fishing vessels engaged in international service, the transshipment may only be authorized when it has been verified that the catches made by the donor vessel, whether Panamanian or foreign flag, were made in accordance with the authorization, permit or license, and the information data provided by the VMS of the donor fishing vessel, during the fishing operation, as well as the information provided by the vessel observer if available and the fishing logbook, have been reviewed. The authority may verify any other information it considers relevant. In the case of national or foreign vessels transshipping in authorized national ports, the same verifications as those mentioned in the previous paragraphs shall be carried out, in conjunction with the Port State measures defined by the Authority.