(1) Use of Fish Aggregating Device (FAD).
(c) The use of FADs shall be governed by the provisions of FAO 244 on National Tuna Fish Aggregating Device (FAD) Management Policy. FAD Closure shall be consistent with Attachment 2 of CMM 2021-01 or its succeeding CMM when available.
(3) Handline
b) The following measure shall also apply:
ii) FAO 244, Series of 2012- National Tuna Fish Aggregating Device (FAO) Management Policy;
Section 11. Measures for all fishing gears in the High Seas of the IOTC, ICCAT and other RFMOs
(3) The following FAOs shall also apply:
(c) FAO 244, Series of 2012- National Tuna Fish Aggregating Device (FAO) Management Policy;