Fisheries Management Act 2016
Does this country's legislation require compliance with "international conservation and management measures" adopted by an RFMO in which it is a member?
Article 18
International conservation and management measures in international agreements – (1) The Minister may, for any treaties, agreements or arrangements Samoa enters into, give effect to the international conservation and management measures required under the agreement by: (a) proposing regulations to be made under section 92; (b) declaring, by Order in the Savali, that whole or part of a conservation and management measure has the force of law in Samoa; (c) endorsing a fisheries management plan that gives effect to an international conservation and management measure as having the force of law in Samoa; or (d) imposing conditions to any existing licence or imposing conditions on future licences, by Order in the Savali. (2) The Fisheries Division must: (a) keep copies of all the international conservation and management measures that are in effect in Samoa; and (b) make a list of the measures available to the public. (4) The Order under subsection (1)(d) must, after its first publication, be published every other six (6) months thereafter for at least 2 years.
In laws/regulations that use the term "serious offenses," what offenses fall into that category?
Article 82
(1) A person commits an offense of serious violation if the person: (a) conducts fishing without a licence, authorisation or fishing right; (b) fails to maintain accurate records of catch and catch- related data, as required by this Act or a licence, including serious misreporting of catch contrary to this Act or to a licence; (c) conducts fishing – (i) in a closed area; (ii) during a closed season; or (iii) without, or after attainment of, a quota established in the fishery waters or by an applicable sub regional or regional fisheries management organisation or arrangement; (d) conducts fishing directed at a stock, which is subject to a moratorium or for which fishing is prohibited; (e) uses prohibited fishing gear; (f) falsifies or conceals the markings, identity or registration of a fishing vessel; (g) conceals, tampers with or disposes of evidence relating to an investigation or anticipated investigation; (h) commits multiple violations, which together constitute a serious disregard of conservation and management measures; (i) commits any other serious violations specified under this Act or prescribed by regulations. (2) A person convicted for a serious violation offense is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding 100,000 penalty units.