Fisheries Act (No.20 of 2014)
Fishing Offenses & Infractions
Does this country's legislation require compliance with "international conservation and management measures" adopted by an RFMO in which it is a member?
Article 4
The objects of the Authority under this Act shall be to provide for the effective management and sustainable development of fisheries in accordance with- (a) internationally recognised norms, standards and best practice including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982) and the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, 1995 of the Food and Agriculture Organisation Indian Ocean Tuna Commission Conservation and Management measures; Fisheries Act, 2014 S(3) An agreement negotiated under subsection (1) shall include provisions establishing the responsibility of those other states, intergovernmental organisations or associations representing foreign fishing vessel owners, to take all necessary measures to ensure compliance by their fishing vessels in Seychelles waters with - (c) any international fisheries conservation and management measures;
Does the law/regulation contain any provisions prohibiting the targeting of marine mammals?
Article 32
(4) A person shall not kill, chase, take any marine mammal alive or dead in Seychelles waters.
Does the law/regulation provide for observers and are there requirements for the nationality of observers?
Article 56
(1) An observer programme shall be established by the Authority for the purpose of collecting and reporting reliable and accurate information on the activities of fishing vessels. (2) The Authority may appoint a person to be an observer for the purposes of the observer programme under subsection (I).
Does the law/regulation provide for transshipment?
Article 60
(1) A person who, within Seychelles or Seychelles waters- (a) on his or her own account, or as partner, agent or employee of another person, lands, tranships, imports or otherwise brings into Seychelles or Seychelles waters, exports, transports, sells, receives, acquires or purchases; or (b) causes or permits a person acting on his or her behalf, or uses a fishing vessel, to land, transship, import or otherwise brings into Seychelles or Seychelles waters, export, transport, sell, receive, acquire or purchase, any fish in contravention of the laws of another State or of an international conservation and management measure, commits an offense and is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding SCR18,750,000.
Vessel Ownership & Legal Responsibility
Does the law/regulation require information about the beneficial owner of the vessel?
Article 3
Interpretations: "owner", in relation to a vessel- (a) means a beneficial owner; and (b) includes - (i) any part owner; (ii} charterer, whether bareboat, time or voyage; (iii) a person who acts in the capacity of a charterer; and (iv) a party upon whom control over the destination, function, operation of the vessel is conferred under a management agreement or a similar agreement; Fisheries Act, 2014 S8 (r) the name, address and nationality of any person with beneficial ownership of the fishing vessel;
Who is given legal responsibility to comply with the legislation: "operator," "owner," "master," "person," "vessel" or other?
Article 53
(1) Where a fishing vessel is seized or detained under this Act and a charge is laid against the master, owner or charterer of the vessel in respect of the offense for which the vessel has been detained. the master, owner or agent of the vessel may at any time before the determination of the charge apply to the court by which tile charge is due to be determined for the release of the vessel on the provision of security in accordance with this section,
Vessel Registration & License Management
What qualifications does the law/regulation give for a vessel to qualify as a local vessel?
Article 3
"local fishing vessel" means a fishing vessel which is (a) registered or identified as such under the Merchant Shipping Act; and (b) wholly beneficially owned by one or more citizens Of Seychelles or by a company established under any written laws of which all of the shares are beneficially owned by citizens of Seychelles;
What provisions in the law govern the granting, denial, revocation and cancellation of fishing licenses?
Article 25
(7) The Authority may, in writing, refuse to grant an authorisation where the fishing vessel in respect of which the application is made- (a) is included in a list of vessels having engaged in, or supported, illegal, unreported or unregulated fishing established by a Regional Fishing Management Organisation or any other appropriate regional or international organisation; Fisheries Act, 2014 S 55 Implementation of international fishery conservation andmanagement measures (particularly Port State Measures Agreement
Article 35
(1) The Authority may suspend, cancel or revoke a licence, permit or authorisation granted by it on any of the following grounds- (a) the suspension, cancellation or revocation is necessary or expedient for the management and conservation of fish resources; (b) a vessel or any gear in respect of which the licence, permit or authorisation was granted has been used, or any activity has been conducted, in contravention of this Act, any regulations made thereunder, or any terms and conditions of the licence, permit or authorisation; (c) a fishing vessel or gear does not comply with marking requirements as prescribed; or (d) the holder has been convicted of an offense under this Act.
Vessel Tracking
Does the law/regulation require or exempt fishing vessels to keep VMS turned on, or is there no provision?
Article 29
(l) Every fishing vessel or fishing gear required under this Act to be used accordance with a licence, permit or authorisation, shall be used in. accordance with this Act or regulations made thereunder, and, in the case of a foreign fishing vessel, with requirements made applicable to the fishing vessel by an agreement under section 12, and, in. all cases, subject to any terms and conditions which may be provided in the licence, permit or .authorization, including terms and conditions relating to - (d} communication equipment, vessel monitoring devices, position-fixing equipment and any other equipment.
Article 49
(2) An authorized fishery officer may, in the exercise of his or her powers under subsection (1)– (k) inspect any vessel monitoring device, vessel tracking device, communication equipment, fish locating or monitoring equipment, positioning equipment and any other equipment on board the vessel;