
Regulations in terms of the MLRA, 1998

Does the law/regulation provide for observers and are there requirements for the nationality of observers?

  • Article 82

    (1) Observers designated under section 50 of the Act may- (a) monitor a fishing vessel's compliance with the relevant legislation; (b) record and report upon the fishing activities of the vessel and verify the position of the vessel when engaged in fishing; (c) observe and estimate catches with the view to identifying fishing composition and monitoring discards, by-catches and the taking of undersized fish; (d) record the gear type, mesh size and attachments employed by the master, (e) verify entries made into the log books in respect of species, composition, and quantities; (f) collect fishing and effort data on a set-by-set basis, and this data shall include location, including latitude and longitude, depth, time of net on the bottom and fishing composition; and (g) carry out the scientific work requested by Sea Fisheries. (2) An observer on board a fishing vessel shall be provided with suitable food and accommodation commensurate with that of an officer. (3) Any transport, accommodation, allowance, remuneration or similar costs incurred and payable to the observer on board the vessel, shall be borne by the licence or permit holder of the vessel. (4) Masters of fishing vessels shall ensure that all necessary co-operation is extended to observers in order for them to carry out their duties.