
Distant Water Fisheries Development Act

Does the law/regulation provide for observers and are there requirements for the nationality of observers?

  • Article 2

    1. The term "observer" means a person designated by the relevant state or international fisheries organization, who engages in activities on board a vessel to monitor or supervise compliance with international standards for fisheries operations or to conduct scientific surveys;
  • Article 13

    (1) Each operator of a distant water fisheries business and a person engaged in distant water fisheries (hereinafter referred to “an operator, etc. of a distant water fisheries business) shall conscientiously conduct fishing operations within the permitted scope of operations and shall comply with resolutions made by international fisheries organizations for the conservation and management of resources and international standards regarding fisheries in high seas. <Amended by Act No. 13001, Jan. 6, 2015> (2) No operator, etc. of a distant water fisheries business shall engage in any of the following activities related to serious violations in overseas waters: <Amended by Act No. 11982, Jul. 30, 2013; Act No. 13001, Jan. 6, 2015> 10. Interrupting the duty performance of an observer, such as the movement, embarking, disembarking and inspection;