Fisheries Act
What qualifications does the law/regulation give for a vessel to qualify as a local vessel?
Article 2
"local fishing vessel" means- (a) a fishing vessel wholly owned and controlled by (i) the Govemment. or by a public corporation or other statutory body established by or under the laws of The Gambia, (ii) one or more natural persons who are Gambians, or (iii) a body corporate established under the laws of The Gambia, which is wholly owned and controlled by one or more of the entities or persons described under sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii), and which has its principal place of business in The Gambia; or (b) a fishing vessel chartered by a Gambian company, which has land-based facilities, for the sole purpose of improving the fishing sector within The Gambia, but excludes any fishing vessel 'Nhich, though owned and controlled as stated in paragraph (a), does not have a genuine and effective link with The Gambia, including where it is not based in The Gambia or where a substantial portion of its financial and economic profits and other benefits arising from its operations in the fisheries waters do not directly benefit the owners or the economy of The Gambia;
What provisions in the law govern the granting, denial, revocation and cancellation of fishing licenses?
Article 31
(1) The Director may, with the approval of the Secretary of State, suspend, for such period as he or she thinks fit, cancel or revoke, a licence issued under this Act where the holder of the licence - (a) has furnished information which is untrue, incorrect or incomplete in connection with his or her application for the licence; (b) contravenes or fails to comply with any condition of the licence, and, where appropriate, has failed to remedy the noncompliance; (c) contlavenes or fails to comply with any provision of this Act or any of its regulations; or (d) is convicted of an offense under this Act.
Article 39
(8) Without prejudice to any other provision of this Act, a foreign fishing vessel licence may be refused, suspended, or cancelled on any grounds as may be prescribed, and in particular if (a) international agreements to which The Gambia is a party make it necessary; or (b) the foreign fishing vessel or the owner or operator has a record of undermining the effectiveness of national or international conservation and management measures, or has taken part in illegal fishing in the fisheries waters, the waters of another State or in international waters.