Translated text:An application for a fishing permit or for its renewal shall be declined in the following
(a) When, on the basis of assessment or scientific information available, the fishing
of species mentioned in the application may result in damage to the preservation and management of such species, and of fishing resources in general, as well as of the marine environment or the aquatic ecosystems;
(b) When the applicant is administratively or judicially recognised as an offender of two or more serious offenses to the present decree-law and applicable regulations during the course of two years, to be counted from the date of the application;
(c) When the other requirements and conditions for the issuance or renewal of a fishing permit, provided for in the present decree-law and applicable regulations, have not been fulfilled;
(d) When the type of fishing involves the capture of accompanying fauna belonging to a fishing whose access is temporarily closed to economic exploitation and utilisation or when the fishing is in the process of restocking;
(e) When the type of fish to be caught with the permit requested is temporarily banned, when the entrance to a fishing area is temporarily closed, when the maritime area or species mentioned in the fishing permit are in the process of restocking, or when the envisaged maritime area is closed to fishing activities;
(f) When the beneficiary of a valid fishing permit, for whom a fishing permit has been applied for, is a person other than the applicant;
(g) When the shipowner proves not to have a fishing vessel in operational conditions during the period of validity of the permit or when he or she intends to use the permit to make illegal transactions with other shipowners or their representatives.