Fishing Offenses & Infractions

Decree 115/18

Does the law/regulation contain any provisions prohibiting the targeting of marine mammals?

  • Article 104

    Translated text:

    It is the responsibility of the National Directorate of Aquatic Resources, in coordination with the National Directorate of Environment, to ensure the conservation, management, sustainable development, and responsible use of marine mammals.

  • Article 105

    Translated text:

    Sea lions, whales, dolphins, and other species of marine mammals in national coasts, islands, and waters of national jurisdiction shall be governed by the provisions of Law No. 19.128 of September 13, 2013, Article 23 of Law No. 16.211 of October 1, 1991, as amended by Article 212 of Law No. 16.320 of November 17, 1992, Decree No. 238/998 of September 10, 1998, and Decree No. 261/002 of July 10, 2002.

Law No. 19,175

Does this country's legislation require compliance with "international conservation and management measures" adopted by an RFMO in which it is a member?

  • Article 4

    Translated text:

    The provisions of this law also apply to Uruguayan flag fishing vessels that operate in waters outside their jurisdiction, in accordance with international agreements and conventions.

  • Article 12

    Translated text:

    DINARA is responsible for: “19) Proposing to the Executive Branch representatives on national or international commissions that the country integrates in fishing and aquaculture matters.

  • Article 90

    Translated text:

    Repeals).- All laws and decrees that directly or indirectly oppose this law are repealed, except for ratified international standards on the matter.

In laws/regulations that use the term "serious offenses," what offenses fall into that category?

  • Article 21

    Translated text:

    All forms of exploitation of hydrobiological resources using poison, explosives, or any other practice causing destructive effects, as well as the dumping of substances that in any form destroy the ecosystem, are prohibited.

  • Article 75

    Translated text:

    Shipowners must ensure that the captains or masters of their vessels provide the observers with full cooperation so that they can carry out their duties. For this purpose, they must be provided with adequate space for data collection and sample analysis, as well as a suitable area to process the captured data. Compliance with the obligation to cooperate also includes providing suitable accommodations, food, communication, and safety facilities for the scientific observers. The company must provide the observer with access to the vessel's communication equipment to transmit the relevant information to the National Directorate of Aquatic Resources.

  • Article 76

    Translated text:

    The observer must have free access to all areas of the vessel, especially the bridge or the place where the navigation instruments are located, to directly monitor the vessel's positioning.

  • Article 77

    Translated text:

    The following shall be considered very serious violations:

    1. Fishing with vessels authorized for industrial fishing in waters designated for inland fishing or in zones reserved for artisanal fishing.
    2. The use and possession, in industrial fishing, of unauthorized fishing gear and methods.
    3. The capture or extraction of species other than those authorized.
    4. Capturing or extracting hydrobiological resources declared under ban.
    5. Processing, transporting, or marketing fishing and aquaculture products whose legal origin cannot be proven, species declared under ban, or species declared endangered or with sizes smaller than those established.
    6. Processing, transporting, or marketing fishing and aquaculture products that pose a risk to public health, as well as products that do not comply with health and safety standards. They must also meet industrial safety and environmental preservation requirements.
    7. Changing the vessels used for others with greater fishing capacity for the fishing activity, without the corresponding authorization.
    8. Throwing toxic plants, chemical products, or explosives into the waters.
    9. Conducting aquaculture activities without the pertinent authorization or concession, when causing serious damage.
    10. Importing or cultivating exotic species without the authorization referred to in Article 64 of this law.
    11. Failure to comply with the environmental conditions referred to in Article 61 of this law.
    12. Failure to comply with the sanitary conditions referred to in Article 59 of this law.
  • Article 78

    Translated text:

    The following are considered serious infractions: 1) The use and possession on board, in artisanal fishing, of unauthorized fishing gear and methods. 2) Treat bycatch differently than provided by the National Directorate of Aquatic Resources (DINARA). 3) Transfer the result of fishing to unauthorized vessels or dispose of such product before arriving at the port of disembarkation. 4) Treat waste differently from what is established by DINARA. 5) Provide the competent authorities with false, incorrect or incomplete information in relation to fishing and aquaculture.

Regulatory decree No. 115/018

Does this country's legislation require compliance with "international conservation and management measures" adopted by an RFMO in which it is a member?

  • Article 28

    Translated text:

    Likewise, fishing vessels authorized to operate in the categories presented in this article must comply with the standards that emanate from the international treaties and agreements that the Republic has ratified

  • Article 137

    Translated text:

    Without wrong to the provisions of article 12 paragraph b number 19 of the Law regulated, the representation of the country before international organizations or technical commissions that include fishing and/or aquaculture, including the setting of catch quotas, will be integrated with delegates of the National Directorate of Aquatic Resources, their advice being mandatory in the fishing agreements that are implemented; everything in accordance with the foreign policy guidelines established by the Executive Branch.