
Executive Decree 83/07 from 27 July

Does the law/regulation provide for observers and are there requirements for the nationality of observers?

  • Full Text


    Executive Decree 83/07 from 27 July regulates the entry, stay and exit of fishing observers on industrial and semi-industrial fishing vessels and determines that they are nominated by the National Inspection Service of the Ministry of Fisheries to carry out monitoring duties on board the fishing vessel.

Law No.6-A/04 on ABR

Does the law/regulation provide for observers and are there requirements for the nationality of observers?

  • Article 151

    Translated text:

    Community observers are members of coastal and riparian communities appointed, under terms to be defined in a regulation, to monitor fishing and related activities in the areas reserved for artisanal and subsistence fishing referred to in Article 33.

  • Article 225

    Translated text:
    1. The duties of fisheries observers, when carrying out their functions, are as follows: a) Embark on any industrial and semi-industrial fishing vessel that has been previously notified for the purpose of carrying out the duties for which they have been assigned, in accordance with the respective service mission guide; b) Monitor catches, treatment and processing of aquatic biological resources; c) Collect biological samples and any data or information relating to fishing activities; d) Record all data collected and all occurrences they deem relevant; e) Have access, whenever necessary, to documents they consider relevant, navigation and communication instruments; f) Recommend to the captain of the fishing vessel that measures be taken to prevent offenses from being committed.
    2. The embarkation referred to in point a) of the previous paragraph must be preceded by arrangements with the captain of the vessel, with a view to safeguarding the comfort, dignity and independence of the observer in carrying out his duties on board.