ColombiaOversight BodiesMinisterio de Agricultura y DesarrolloRural, Autoridad Nacional de Acuicultura y Pesca (AUNAP)Registry ClosedSOLAS Ratified SOLAS in 1980TopicsFishing Offenses & Infractions8 lawsLabor Rules, Offenses, & Infractions1 lawObservers2 lawsTransshipment1 lawVessel Ownership & Legal Responsibility3 lawsVessel Registration & License Management6 lawsVessel Tracking2 lawsLawsDECREE 2256 OF 1991Fishing Offenses & InfractionsVessel Ownership & Legal ResponsibilityVessel Registration & License ManagementDecree 1071 of 2015Fishing Offenses & InfractionsVessel Ownership & Legal ResponsibilityVessel Registration & License ManagementLaw 13 of 1990Fishing Offenses & InfractionsLabor Rules, Offenses, & InfractionsTransshipmentVessel Registration & License ManagementLaw 1348 of 2009Fishing Offenses & InfractionsLaw 1851 of 2017Vessel Ownership & Legal ResponsibilityVessel Registration & License ManagementLaw 2133 of 2021Vessel Registration & License ManagementLaw 557 of 2000Fishing Offenses & InfractionsLaw 730 of 2001Vessel Registration & License ManagementLaw No. 7 of 1980Fishing Offenses & InfractionsNational Regulation for Cataloging, Inspection and Certification of Ships and Naval Artifacts of the Colombian FlagVessel TrackingResolution 228 of 2002Vessel TrackingResolution 653 of 2012Fishing Offenses & InfractionsResolution 798 of 2014Fishing Offenses & InfractionsResolution 87 of 2013ObserversResolution 88 of 2015Observers