Resolution 798 of 2014
- Language: Spanish
- Year: 2014
Fishing Offenses & Infractions
Does the law/regulation contain any provisions related to fish aggregating devices?
Article 1
Translated text:To implement the procedure for the collection and analysis of data on fish-aggregating devices, for the national and foreign flag fleet authorized by Colombia, fishing in the Eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO) as follows: Establish for all Colombian companies to which national flag tuna vessels and foreign flag tuna vessels are affiliated, the obligation to report to the Aunap at the end of each fishing operation, all the information on the number, use, seeding and manufacture among others, of the fish aggregating devices or FADs used, according to the official format, to be established by the Aunap.
When observers from the AIDCP/IATTC program or from each country's program are aboard these national and foreign vessels, the recording of information on the fish aggregating devices or FADs shall be carried out during each fishing operation (trip), following the recommendations and formats of the national fisheries authority and/or the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC). The delivery of these forms shall be coordinated with the duly established observer programs (AIDCP/IATTC, POPC-Colombian Fisheries Observer Program), at the end of each fishing operation. If there is no observer on board, the captain and/or owner of the vessel, through the permit holder, shall be responsible for reporting to the Aunap at the end of each fishing operation the basic information on fish aggregating devices or FADs, following the official formats of the Aunap.