
Fisheries Act

Does the law/regulation provide for observers and are there requirements for the nationality of observers?

  • Article 100

    (1) The Minister may, on the recommendations of the Council, appoint in writing public officers to act as observers in respect of a vessel issued with a fishing licence or an authorisation under this Act. (2) Observers shall perform the functions determined by the Minister including (a) collection of catch and effort data, (b) taking reasonable samples of fish for scientific purposes, and (c) reporting violations of this Act and the Regulations

Fisheries Regulations, 2010 (L.I. 1968)

Does the law/regulation provide for observers and are there requirements for the nationality of observers?

  • Article 35

    (1) The Minister shall on the recommendation of the Commission designate as an observer any person with the requisite expertise and knowledge who (a) does not hold a licence issued for commercial fishing; (b) does not purchase fish for the purpose of retail; and (c) is not an owner, operator or manager of an enterprise that . catches, processes or transports fish. (2) An observer shall (a) monitor fishing activities; (b) examine and measure fishing gear, scientific data and other observations and take samples in accordance with sampling plans; (c) monitor landed fish and ascertain the weight and species of fish caught and retained while at wharf; (d) conduct biological examination and sampling of fish which includes total plate count parasites, pathogenic microbes and faecal indications; and (e) carry out any other duties that the Commission may determine.