
Fisheries Act

Does the law/regulation provide for transshipment?

  • Article 64

    (3) An access arrangement shall include the provisions required to implement minimum terms and conditions of fisheries access in accordance with this Act, including (c) provisions that the owner, charterer, operator, master or any other person responsible for the operation of a licensed vessel shall not tranship fish at sea except only at designated times and places and in accordance with this Act, and

  • Articles 132

    (1) Unless authorised in writing by the Commission, a fishing vessel shall not be used for transshipment of fish in the fishery waters without the supervision of an authorised officer or under any other arrangement and conditions approved in advance by the Council. (2) The master, owner or charterer of a vessel used in contravention of subsection (1) commits an offense and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of not less than $100,000 and not more than $2 million in respect of a foreign fishing vessel, or a local industrial or semi-industrial fishing vessel, or (b) two hundred and fifty penalty units and not more than one thousand penalty units in the case of a canoe, and in addition to the fine, all the fish and fish products on the vessel shall be confiscated to the Republic.

  • Articles 133

    (1) Unless otherwise provided in this Act, a person shall not tranship or export tuna in or from the fishery waters without (a) a licence or an authorisation issued or granted by the Minister on the rec- ommendation of the Commission, and (b) first landing all the tuna in the Republic. (2) A person who acts contrary to subsection (1) commits an offense and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of not less than $10,000 and not exceeding $1 million. (3) Regulations may be made to provide further for matters relating to tuna fishing.

Fisheries Regulations, 2010 (L.I. 1968)

Does the law/regulation provide for transshipment?

  • Article 33

    (1) A person shall not transship fish from a Ghanaian fishing vessel to a foreign fishing vessel that is not licensed under the Act or vice-versa. (2) A person shall not transship fish from a Ghanaian industrial vessel to a semi-industrial vessel or to canoes or vice-versa. (3) A person shall not transfer fish from one canoe to another canoe or from a semi-industrial to a canoe except in areas where there are no safe landing facilities and with the consent of the owners. (4) A fishing vessel of fifty gross registered tonnage and above or licensed as an industrial vessel shall deposit their catches at approved ports in the country. (5) A person shall not transfer fish from one canoe to another canoe or from a semi-industrial vessel to a canoe except in verifiable emergency situations. (6) A carrier or a servicing vessel that services the fishing operations of a vessel in the fishing waters of this country shall be licensed by the Commission. (7) A vessel calling at a port to carry fish outside this country shall pay the appropriate transshipment fee to the Commission. (8) Transshipment of fish can only be undertaken at authorised ports. (9) A carrier shall declare its load at the authorised port before transshipment. (10) A person who contravenes sub-regulations (1), (2), (3), (4) or (5) commits an offense and is liable on summary conviction to the fine specified under section 132 (2) of the Act.

Ghana, Fisheries (Amendment) Act, Act 880

Does the law/regulation provide for transshipment?

  • Article 88A

    1. The principal enactment is amended by the insertion after section 88 of a new section 88A "Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing 88A. (1) For the purpose of this Act, a fishing vessel is presumed to be engaged in Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing if it is shown that, contrary to the conservation and management measures applicable in the fishing area concerned (k) the fishing vessel has engaged in transhipment with other fishing vessels identified as having engaged in activities that may be characterised as Illegal, Umeported and Umegulated fishing under this section;