Fishing Offenses & Infractions

Code des Pêches Maritimes 2015

Does the law/regulation contain any provisions prohibiting the targeting of marine mammals?

  • Article 39

    Translated text:

    The following are prohibited at all times and in all places, except with special authorization from the Minister responsible for fisheries and for scientific or technical research purposes: a) fishing, capturing and keeping all species of marine mammals; b) fishing, capturing and keeping sea turtles; c) hunting, capturing and keeping all species of sea birds; d) fishing, capturing or keeping aquatic animals subject to a specific restriction provided for by the texts in force. The marketing of the species referred to in the above paragraphs is prohibited.

Does this country's legislation require compliance with "international conservation and management measures" adopted by an RFMO in which it is a member?

  • Article 61

    Translated text:

    The Minister responsible for fisheries shall take, in accordance with the conventions and other applicable international instruments, all necessary measures to prevent, counteract and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU fishing).

In laws/regulations that use the term "serious offenses," what offenses fall into that category?

  • Article 84

    Translated text:

    Constituting very serious fishing offenses: (a) Fishing in waters under Mauritanian jurisdiction without holding a fishing right and the fishing licence relating thereto; (b) false declarations of catches; (c) failure to comply with the obligation to land fishery products in Mauritania, illegal transhipments of catches under any circumstances whatsoever and the use of departures in careening for fishing purposes; (d) sale; the purchase, transport, peddling of biological species intended for breeding without prior authorization from the Minister responsible for Fisheries; (e) the import, export, construction, transformation or modification of one of the technical characteristics of the fishing vessel without prior authorization from the Minister responsible for Fisheries; (f) fishing during fishing closure periods; (g) the intentional destruction or damage of fishing vessels, nets or tracking beacons for vessels, nets or fishing gear belonging to third parties; (h) the untimely interruption of position communication or the use of processes interfering with the normal operation of the beacon; (i) the commissioning of a fishing establishment without authorization; (j) the placing on the market of a product without a health certificate.

  • Article 85

    Translated text:

    Constituting serious fishing offenses: (a) the exercise of fishing activity by Mauritanian fishing vessels without a concession or licence; (b) the use of a fishing vessel for a type of operation different from that for which it is authorised under the category of licence or authorisation it holds; (c) fishing in prohibited areas or with prohibited fishing engines or techniques; (d) the possession on board the transport or the use of explosives or other toxic or unauthorised substances, or of any means or devices having the effect of reducing the selective action of fishing engines; (e) the capture, possession, processing, landing, sale and marketing of species whose sizes or weights are below the authorised minima; (f) the exceeding of authorised quotas or the rate of incidental prices; (g) infringements of the rules relating to related fishing operations; (h) false declarations of the technical specifications of fishing vessels; (i) failure to report entries and exits as well as positions and catches; (j) breaches of the provisions of Article 39 above; (k) abandoning fishing nets or gear at sea without authorisation, except for technical or safety reasons; (1) failure to embark the quota of Mauritanian sailors; (m) refusing to comply with an order given by control officers; (n) refusing to report information on catches or to mention catches in fishing logs, and intentionally providing false or incomplete data; (o) destroying or concealing the markings or other identification devices of fishing vessels;