MauritaniaOversight BodyMinistry of Fisheries and Maritime EconomyRegistry ClosedSOLAS Ratified SOLAS in 1998TopicsFishing Offenses & Infractions2 lawsLabor Rules, Offenses, & Infractions2 lawsObservers1 lawTransshipment1 lawVessel Ownership & Legal Responsibility2 lawsVessel Registration & License Management3 lawsVessel Tracking2 lawsLawsCode des Pêches Maritimes 2015Fishing Offenses & InfractionsTransshipmentVessel Ownership & Legal ResponsibilityVessel Registration & License ManagementDécret N° 2015-159 Portant application de la Loi n° 017·2015 29 juillet 2015 portant Code des PêchesLabor Rules, Offenses, & InfractionsObserversVessel Registration & License ManagementVessel TrackingLaw No. 2013-029 establishing the Merchant Shipping CodeFishing Offenses & InfractionsLabor Rules, Offenses, & InfractionsVessel Ownership & Legal ResponsibilityVessel Registration & License ManagementVessel Tracking