Vessel Ownership & Legal Responsibility

Code des Pêches Maritimes 2015

Law No. 2013-029 establishing the Merchant Shipping Code

Does the law/regulation require information about the beneficial owner of the vessel?

  • Article 83

    Translated text:

    1 - There is co-ownership (joint ownership) of a vessel when its ownership is divided into shares and this is shared between several natural or legal persons. 2 - A co-owner may own several shares but co-ownership ceases when one of them owns all the shares. 3 - Each share becomes part of the personal assets of its holder who may sell or mortgage it, subject to the provisions of this chapter. 4 - The name, domicile, nationality of the co-owners and the number of shares each holds must be entered on the Mauritanization/registration deed as well as on the registration register.