Vessel Tracking

Décret N° 2015-159 Portant application de la Loi n° 017·2015 29 juillet 2015 portant Code des Pêches

Does the law/regulation require or exempt fishing vessels to keep VMS turned on, or is there no provision?

  • Article 46

    Translated text:

    For control purposes, any coastal or offshore fishing vessel authorized to fish in the Mauritanian exclusive economic zone is required to have on board a transponder allowing its identification by the units and monitoring devices of the national institution responsible for monitoring fisheries. The standards and technical characteristics of the transponder are defined by Order of the Minister responsible for Fisheries.

Law No. 2013-029 establishing the Merchant Shipping Code

Does law/regulation require or exempt fishing vessels to keep AIS turned on?

  • Article 193

    Translated text:

    1 – All Mauritanian vessels of 300 gross tons or more engaged in international voyages, or of 500 gross tons or more engaged in domestic voyages, as well as passenger vessels, whatever their size and navigation, must be equipped with a transponder ("AIS" system) enabling them:

    • automatically provide information on its identity, position and speed to other ships, aircraft, and competent authorities,
    • receive the same information from other equipped vessels,
    • exchange all useful information with shore-based authorities. 2 – As a transitional measure, ships required to be equipped with the AIS system by virtue of the foregoing provisions will be subject to this obligation only if they were built before July 1, 2002, and if they are engaged only in domestic navigation. 3 – Ships fitted with a transponder must keep it in operation at all times, except in circumstances where international rules allow the protection of navigational information.