Fisheries Law No. 22/2013
In laws/regulations that use the term "serious offenses," what offenses fall into that category?
Article 98
Translated text:The following are very serious fishing offenses: a) the practice or attempt to practice fishing without a license by nationals or foreigners in the jurisdictional waters of Mozambique waters of Mozambique; b) fishing on the high seas or in the waters of third countries, using a Mozambican fishing vessel, without the authorization; c) Falsifying a fishing license; d) the escape or attempted escape of a fishing vessel after being questioned by inspection agents; e) possession, use or transportation of the substances and products mentioned in article 50 of this Law; f) carrying out related fishing operations which have not been authorized and/or licensed; g) non-use or fraudulent use of the sea turtle exclusion device g) failure to use or fraudulent use of the sea turtle exclusion device; h) the master's refusal to obey orders given by inspection agents, to enter port, to collect fishing gear or to present on-board documents.
Article 99
Translated text:For the purposes of this Law and its and other legislation, the following are serious fishing offenses: a) having on board or using fishing gear that does not correspond to the prescribed or authorized specifications; b) the use of nets whose mesh size is smaller than the minimum authorized mesh size or underwater fishing with weapons and artefacts the use of which prohibited; c) the use of a device likely to obstruct or reduce the size of the meshes; d) fishing during prohibited, closed and closed seasons; (e) fishing in areas to which access is prohibited and in places or areas to which are not authorized or not indicated on the fishing license; f) fishing for species whose catch is prohibited; g) fishing for species whose weight or size is less than the the minimum authorized weights and dimensions; h) fishing beyond the quota limit and the minimum number of specimens authorized to be caught or failure to comply with the rules on the control of fishing effort; i) fraudulent alteration of the data on the fishing license; j) providing false statistical information on catches and fishing effort; k) falsifying or concealing information on installed power or the unauthorized introduction of devices that alter it; l) altering, intentionally or unintentionally damaging or interfering in any way with communications or the operation of a satellite tracking device; m) possession, use and/or transportation of the substances and products mentioned in Article 50; n) unauthorized landing, unloading or transhipment of fishery products or in a port other than the one authorized; o) failure by a Mozambican fishing vessel authorized to fish on the high seas to comply with international measures on the conservation and management of the high seas