Nationwide ban on shark fishing
- Language: Burmese
- Year: 2009
Fishing Offenses & Infractions
Does the law/regulation contain any provisions related to shark fishing and finning?
Full Text
Translated text:The Director General of the Department of Fisheries, in exercise of power conferred under section 23 of the Myanmar Marine Fisheries Law, hereby issues this notification, and bans fishing Whale Shark (Burmese- Nga Man Pha Laung (or) Whale Shark) (Rhincodon typus) (Whale Shark) that no person, except with the approval of the Department of Fisheries, shall catch, kill, disturb, carry, storage, possession or sale the Whale Shark. If the fishermen accidentally caught Whale Shark in the fishing things, the alive Whale Shark must be immediately released back into the water.