The tool is only updated as of October, 2024 which means some legal matters may have changed in certain countries in the meanwhile.
The Global Fishing Legislative Database provides access to national fishing laws for coastal countries worldwide. This searchable database links to original legal texts and contains translated passages, offering clarity on regulations governing activities in different waters. It is designed to address questions about vessel licensing requirements, crew composition mandates, and permitted gear or practices, making it a resource for journalists, researchers, advocates, and policymakers.
The tool is a work in progress, with many countries not yet included. It focuses exclusively on national fishing rules, excluding local or tribal regulations or international agreements. It’s worth noting that regional fisheries management organization members are immediately bound by resolutions and have to implement them in national law within a specified time frame. The tool also does not encompass rules that apply to non-fishing activities such as mining or shipping. Users are encouraged to report errors or contribute additional legal data by contacting . This initiative aims to expand transparency and understanding of global fishing regulations.
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