Supreme Decree No. 001-2014-PRODUCE - Regulation of the Satellite Tracking System for Fishing Vessels (SISESAT)
Vessel Tracking
Does the law/regulation require or exempt fishing vessels to keep VMS turned on, or is there no provision?
Article 1
Translated text:1.1 The Ministry of Production carries out monitoring, control and surveillance activities of fishing activities in the maritime field, through the Satellite Monitoring System for fishing vessels.
1.2 The Ministry of Production establishes the technical and legal conditions for the operation of the Satellite Monitoring System for fishing vessels, manages its execution, supervises its continuous and permanent operation and adopts the necessary measures to guarantee its operation. Likewise, the Ministry sanctions the commission of infractions linked to this system.
1.3 The Satellite Monitoring System for fishing vessels is executed through the companies that are registered in the List of Suitable Satellite Suppliers, in accordance with the technical and legal conditions indicated in this Regulation.
Article 2
Translated text:This Regulation aims to establish provisions for the supervision of fishing vessels through the Vessel Monitoring System - VMS, referring to: a) The technical specifications for the implementation of the Vessel Monitoring System for fishing vessels. b) The procedure for registration in the List of Approved Satellite Providers. c) The requirements and obligations of the Approved Satellite Providers that will provide the Satellite Monitoring Service. d) The obligations of the holders of fishing permits regarding the Vessel Monitoring System for fishing vessels.