PeruOversight BodyMinistry of Production (PRODUCE)Registry ClosedSOLAS Ratified SOLAS in 1980TopicsFishing Offenses & Infractions5 lawsLabor Rules, Offenses, & Infractions2 lawsObservers1 lawTransshipment2 lawsVessel Registration & License Management4 lawsVessel Tracking2 lawsLawsAprueban el Reglamento de la Ley General de Pesca, DECRETO SUPREMO Nº 012-2001-PEFishing Offenses & InfractionsVessel Registration & License ManagementDecree Law No. 25977Fishing Offenses & InfractionsVessel Registration & License ManagementVessel TrackingDecreto Supremo N°021-2016-PRODUCE (año 2016 establece medidas de ordenamiento para la pesquería del recurso tiburón, como la prohibición de desembarque de aletas sueltas del recurso tiburónFishing Offenses & InfractionsGeneral Fisheries Law Regulation (D.S. N° 012-2001-PE)Labor Rules, Offenses, & InfractionsObserversTransshipmentVessel Registration & License ManagementLey General de Pesca DECRETO LEY N 25977TransshipmentRegulations for the Supervision and Sanction of Fishing and Aquaculture Activities. Supreme Decree No. 017-2017-PRODUCE –Fishing Offenses & InfractionsSupreme Decree No. 001-2014-PRODUCE - Regulation of the Satellite Tracking System for Fishing Vessels (SISESAT)Vessel TrackingSupreme Decree No. 026/01/PE - Prohibits the hunting of various whale species and the capture of all species of sea turtlesFishing Offenses & InfractionsSupreme Decree that approves the Regulation of Legislative Decree No. 1147, which regulates the strengthening of the Armed Forces in the powers of the National Maritime Authority - General Directorate of Captaincies and Coast Guard - Supreme Decrete N° 015-2014-DEVessel Registration & License ManagementTuna Fisheries Management RegulationsLabor Rules, Offenses, & Infractions