General Fisheries Law Regulation (D.S. N° 012-2001-PE)
Does the law/regulation provide for transshipment?
Article 71
Translated text:Transshipments must be carried out in a Peruvian bay or port with prior authorization from the Ministry of Fisheries and the maritime authority. The shipowner or their representative must submit the transshipment authorization request at least three (3) business days before the scheduled transshipment date. The information contained in these requests and their supporting documents are considered sworn statements.
Article 72
Translated text:The transshipment authorization will automatically expire, without the need for an explicit declaration, if the transshipment operation is not carried out within ten (10) calendar days from the scheduled start date of the operation.
Article 73
Translated text:The transshipment request will be denied when the applicant: a) Fails to comply with any of the conditions or requirements for transshipment authorization; and, b) Is in non-compliance with a sanction imposed under the Law or this Regulation.
Article 74
Translated text:Foreign-flagged vessels that complete their fishing operations and, for logistical reasons, need to leave jurisdictional waters, must request an onboard product verification inspection, instead of a transshipment request.
Article 75
Translated text:In all transshipment operations, the representative agencies of the vessels transporting hydrobiological products are obliged to submit the respective cargo manifest to the Ministry of Fisheries.