Republic of the CongoOversight BodyThe General Directorate on Fisheries and Aquaculture under the Ministry of Livestocks, Agriculture and FisheriesRegistry ClosedILO ConventionsRatified C188 and MLC in 2014SOLAS Ratified SOLAS in 1980TopicsFishing Offenses & Infractions1 lawLabor Rules, Offenses, & Infractions1 lawObservers3 lawsTransshipment1 lawVessel Ownership & Legal Responsibility1 lawVessel Registration & License Management3 lawsLawsArrêté nº 921 du 31 mars 1994 fixant les conditions d'exercice de la pêche maritime industrielleObserversDecree no. 2011-319 of 26 April 2011 regulating the modalities governing technical visits of fishing vessels in waters under Congolese jurisdictionVessel Registration & License ManagementDecree no. 2012-174 of 12 March 2012 (English translation of law here)ObserversLaw No. 2-2000 on Marine FisheriesFishing Offenses & InfractionsObserversTransshipmentVessel Ownership & Legal ResponsibilityVessel Registration & License ManagementMerchant Navy CodeLabor Rules, Offenses, & InfractionsVessel Registration & License Management