Fishing Offenses & Infractions

Fisheries Act (No.20 of 2014)

Does this country's legislation require compliance with "international conservation and management measures" adopted by an RFMO in which it is a member?

  • Article 4

    The objects of the Authority under this Act shall be to provide for the effective management and sustainable development of fisheries in accordance with- (a) internationally recognised norms, standards and best practice including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982) and the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, 1995 of the Food and Agriculture Organisation Indian Ocean Tuna Commission Conservation and Management measures; Fisheries Act, 2014 S(3) An agreement negotiated under subsection (1) shall include provisions establishing the responsibility of those other states, intergovernmental organisations or associations representing foreign fishing vessel owners, to take all necessary measures to ensure compliance by their fishing vessels in Seychelles waters with - (c) any international fisheries conservation and management measures;

Does the law/regulation contain any provisions prohibiting the targeting of marine mammals?

  • Article 32

    (4) A person shall not kill, chase, take any marine mammal alive or dead in Seychelles waters.