Fisheries Regulations, 2009

  • Language: English
  • Year: 2009

Fishing Offenses & Infractions

Does the law/regulation contain any provisions prohibiting the targeting of marine mammals?

  • Article 67

    (1) -A person shall not fish, possess, process, offer for sale, market or export marine and fresh water species, any part or any product of the species recognised as being globally or regionally endangered as listed in the Third Schedule. (2) A person shall not fish, possess, process, offer for sale or market marine turtles, dugong, whale sharks, dolphins or any marine species recognized globally or regionally as endangered species listed in the Third Schedule. (3) A person shall not purposely disturb or destroy the feeding, breeding or nesting ground of marine turtles, dugong, whale shark, dolphins or any other freshwater and marine fish species recognised globally or regionally as endangered listed in the Third Schedule. (4) Any person who accidentally captures live marine turtles, dugong, whale shark, dolphins or any other freshwater and marine fish species listed in the Third Schedule recognised globally or regionally as endangered, shall immediately return the animal to the sea, and shall maintain a logbook of all such captures and report the same to a district or any fisheries office.


Does the law/regulation provide for transshipment?

  • Article 56

    (5) A fishing vessel that intends to use any of the designated ports for the purpose of landing fish, transhipping catch or for any fisheries related transaction shall provide advance notification and information as prescribed in Form 26 set out in the First Schedule.

Vessel Registration & License Management

What provisions in the law govern the granting, denial, revocation and cancellation of fishing licenses?

  • Regulation 13 (19)

    (19) A person shall not import, export, transport, sell or expose for sale, receive, acquire or purchase interstate or foreign commerce any fish or fishery product taken, processed, transported or sold in violation of ratified conventions.

Vessel Tracking

Does the law/regulation require or exempt fishing vessels to keep VMS turned on, or is there no provision?

  • Article 69

    (1) The Director shall establish and maintain a Vessel Monitoring System popularly known as VMS in the industrial sea fishery. (2) The Director shall appoint from amongst Authorised Officers, experts to manage the day to day functions of the Vessel Monitoring System. (3) The Vessel Monitoring System operation room shall monitor all the movement of the vessels. (4) A fishing vessel shall, while at sea, at all times have all its Vessel Monitoring System gadgets switched on. (5) A captain of any commercial fishing vessel shall abide by all instructions given by the Director. (6) A person other than Authorised Officer shall not enter the Vessel Monitoring System operations room unless authorised. (7) A commercial fishing vessel which has been granted fishing licence in accordance to Regulation 11 shall at all time be equipped with an automatic satellite linked Vessel Monitoring System compatible with the one installed in the office of the Director. (8) Information transmitted shall include the vessel identification mark, latitude, longitude, date, time, course and speed which shall be transmitted all the time. (9) The performance standards of the equipment shall have inter alia the following qualities- (a) be temper proof; (b) be polled by the monitoring room; (c) a two-way messaging capability between the vessel and the monitoring centre; (d) be fully automatic and operational at all times regardless of environmental conditions; (e) provide real time data. (10) The captain shall, in the event of malfunctioning of the Vessel Monitoring System use other means as appropriate including fax, radio to provide the required data or information after every twenty four hours. (11) Vessel Monitoring System data shall, where necessary be admitted as evidence in fisheries offenses.